0 votes
in Debate Club by (6.2k points)
Well we’re talking a bigie
by (6.2k points)
So many people have seen this wow

10 Answers

+2 votes
by (159k points)
Best answer
There should be only 3 scenarios where abortion is okay (only 2 of them being 100% justifiable)

1: a mother is dying because of the baby/ a mother and the baby are both dying and the only way to save one is to abort the baby. Second is 100% justifiable, first isn’t ALWAYS 100% justifiable (a mother should ALWAYS be willing to die for their kid, out of the womb or not).

2: the mother has been abused and that is why she is pregnant.

Any other reason for an abortion is unjustifiable.

If you are aborting your baby for any other reason than those three, you are a monster.
by (525k points)
I don't agree with aborting the baby if the baby is already grown (like if you've knowingly had it for months and then you just decide to abort).

I DO support abortion if the baby hasn't really developed so much that you can call it a baby.
by (117k points)
A monster. Wow. My aunt aboryed her kid, and you called her a monster. Thanks
by (109k points)
Rightly so.
by (159k points)
I believe she is, unless she aborted her kid for one of those three reasons.
0 votes
Yes 'cuz women who have been abused need it.
0 votes
by (525k points)
For reasons already listed.
0 votes
by (543k points)
Yes because sometimes there are medical reasons for getting one. Like the mom has a genetic condition that makes it dangerous to have a baby. Along with other reasons that others have listed and I don't feel like typing out.
+1 vote
by (109k points)
Abortion is murder at any stage. The second you decide to commit abortion is the second you are guilty of murder and anyone who has no reason to WANT to commit abortion is willing to admit that abortion is murder and it is selfish. Besides, if you are that worried about getting pregnant then just use protection and make sure you know how to use it. And before you ask, no, I have never gotten close to another girl like that before lol (I had no other way to word it).
0 votes
by (952k points)
I support abortion (at any stage) because a lot of teenagers get pregnant and quite a few of them don’t feel like they’re ready to be parents, so if there were abortions, they could just get the baby aborted. If there weren’t abortion, then the teenagers might have to drop out of school or somehow juggle parenting and schoolwork if they keep the baby, or the baby would have to be placed in foster care or be put up for adoption.

Now obviously, there’s other reasons why I support abortion (like the mother possibly dying), but this is just one reason.
0 votes
Well my mom takes birth control.. Not because she doesn't want more children.. (She doesn't) but its That her periods are much worse then regular ones, (I don't know exactly why) the birth control can help her periods (it doesn't fix them but it helps)  thats not the point, the point is if they stopped making birth control to stop abortion, women who have problems like my mom or etc, can't get helped and will make their lives harder, but if they abort a fully grown fetus they are evil
+2 votes
by (112k points)
*huge breathe*


What if its a teenage pregnancy?

What if the mother is going to die?

What if the mother just generally DOESN'T WANT A BABY?
by (212k points)
Yeah, I agree and what if they got r@p3d???
by (112k points)
fr tho!
by (34.5k points)
Yeah I agree with Eva what if they did!
+1 vote
by (525k points)
Do I really have to see this every time I come on here from now on?

Hasn't everyone expressed their views on this?

I don't know who flagged this, but I don't necessarily blame them.
0 votes
by (212k points)
I support it. I mean, if the mom is dying because of the baby, I agree that they should be able to get rid of it.


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