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(Disclaim, this features LGBTQ+ characters, Therians and later in the story the FBI so if you are not comfortable with that the you may click off this post)

chapter two 

I had walked about 5 miles towards town when I spotted a tree that was well hidden from the road and had good shelter.

So I checked my watch and it read 4:47 AM I was making great time so I put my things down and set my alarm for 5:30 and slowly but warily fell asleep.

“Argh!” It was 6:28! I had slept through my alarm! I quickly gathered my bags, and started off towards town but still keeping distance from any buildings.

I was about 4 miles from a general store when I heard a rustling in the bushes behind me!, I froze as I looked around.            Nothing was there.  It was probably just a bird or something I tried to convince myself.

So I decided I should probably go to the general store since I had forgotten to pack a flashlight.

As I bought the flashlight and tried not to look suspicious with a bunch of bags, I Walked out of the store and spotted a homeless person on the side of the road about 26 feet away from me so I decided to walk up to them, they were about in their twenties maybe thirties and as I was about to talk to them a car, familiar car, my parents car! Slowly drove by! 

I ran and ducked behind a dumpster! As I waited for them to pass the homeless person looked at me with curiosity on why I ran from the car.

But for some reason they didn’t come to ask why. Not that I wanted them to reveal my hidden spot. But they stood there like they were on watch or something.

I checked the time it was 9:47! That’s why they were out and looking for me! 

They drove by after 4 or so minutes. So I then quickly ran over to the homeless person and stuffed some apples in their hands and took off running towards the forest but as I looked back I thought I saw the homeless person speaking in to a walkie talkie, Like one of those police walkie-talkies!

Chapter three coming soon with hopefully better grammar lol. Thank you guys for so much support on my first chapter!!


and yes I did steel a cheer squad. lol

-Rainbow kitty 

1 Answer

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by (212k points)
Noice work!!!


Yeah, I accidentally said chapter two is coming soon but it’s chapter three that’s next, but I fixed it lol boogie

by (212k points)

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