+3 votes
in KidzSearch Wiki by (4.5k points)

If elected as the KidzTalk president, my main focus would be on ensuring the authenticity and ownership of blogs. I believe that only the individuals who own the blogs should be able to post on them, as this would maintain the integrity and credibility of the content. To achieve this, I would implement a system where only the actual blog owners can publish posts. In addition to promoting authenticity, I would also work towards making KidzTalk a more diverse and inclusive platform. I would introduce a feature called "bios" where users can create a profile highlighting their interests, hobbies, and background. This would encourage empathy, tolerance, and appreciation for the diverse perspectives and experiences within the KidzTalk community. Lastly, I would prioritize the mental health and well-being of our users. I would establish a dedicated "hotline" within KidzTalk where users can freely post questions or seek help related to mental health. This platform would not require authorization, ensuring that individuals in need can reach out for assistance without any barriers. By prioritizing mental health and providing a safe space for discussions, we can contribute to the overall well-being and happiness of our KidzTalk community.

Cya next time, 

-neevie :3

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (203k points)
Sorry but if Queen Cats running im voting for her. If she isn't running I'm voting for bracletgirl123.

If both of them don't run ill vote for you
by (4.5k points)
+1 vote
by (27.3k points)
I am sorry but I'm voting for Bracletegirl 123 but this whole thing deserves an upvote or two
by (4.5k points)
I think u can vote for more than one in the grands scheme

but in the slim chance I get in the finalists could u vote for me?
by (27.3k points)
Okay sure
+1 vote
by (215k points)
Thats a beautiful poster :D
by (35.9k points)
by (4.5k points)
thanks I used Canva and drew me :3
by (215k points)
Yw :3

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