0 votes
in Science by (1.7k points)
Hey everyone. I have a few questions about robots for science reasons. (I'm designing a social robot.) Here are my questions:

  What characteristics could a robot have that might make you think it was an "evil" robot or a "bad guy"?

  What might a robot do to make you think it was good?

  What might a robot do that would compel you to interact with it?

Thanks for looking at these questions! Please answer them.

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

1, vary evil robot that has red eyes

2, that helps, and doesn’t have a lot of weapons 

3, waves hi to people and smiles a lot?

Anyway are you a robot??

by (541k points)
by (1.7k points)
I'm not a robot, and thanks for your answers. *sus sound plays*
by (1.7k points)
That's an evil smile.
+1 vote
by (541k points)
So this answer will be complicated.

Episode 7 of mcsm has a sentient  computer

The computer is evil bc it chips everything with these Redstone mind control chips and when chipped the person''s personally gets lost. They become super robotic.

But its smiling and it's face is in green Redstone lamps.(inside it they are red) (Don't ask why they are green on one side) I think that's what makes a computer appear friendly. It also CAN have a friendly voice (choices determine if that is the case)

To interact with it it couldld either make something more "useful"  (Pama reference) or in normal terms efficint, it could also help me learn about a specific topic (Mc) or it being part of a game.

Hope this doesn't confuse anyone.
by (1.7k points)
So you're saying that good robots have green eyes, a smile, and a friendly voice. It could make something more useful or help you learn about a specific topic. Thanks!
by (541k points)

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