+5 votes
in Esie's So-called Contests by (149k points)

Howdy! I'm trying to revive this :)

Banning people for whatever reason you can think of! The more absurd, the better. (no we are not actually banning people.)

Here are some examples I got off of the old banning thread hehe


I ban Joel for having too much rizz

I ban Elo for having little to no rizz

I ban everyone because when life gives you lemons make Limenade.

Or just pour the juice in someone's eyes. I really wouldn't care either way.

11 Answers

0 votes
by (584k points)

I ban Esie because she wants to be a firework.
by (149k points)
I ban nobi because I made no such insinuation.
by (584k points)
I ban Esie because *brings up the Summoning Nobi post with the OneShot roleplay*
by (163k points)
I ban Nobi for impersonating gumball staff
by (149k points)
I ban nobi because relativity?
by (584k points)

I ban Esie because Einstein a-B)

I ban Reuel because I am the boss of the staff, being Gumball and all >:]

by (149k points)
I ban Nobi because my cousin dragged me into the rats smp qwq
by (103k points)
I ban nobi for making me use my last brain cell reading this.
by (584k points)
I ban Esie because I just wrote a poetic song on your Last Answer Wins post that probably won't be understood but it's kind of like a stream of thought.

I ban Mel because why is your brain in a cell what did it do—
by (163k points)
by (584k points)
by (103k points)
I ban nobi for trying to know the mysteries of my brain cells
by (584k points)

I ban Mel because are they in Alcatraz wow

by (163k points)
I've never heard that word except in batman...
by (584k points)
Alcatraz is an inactive prison on an island.
by (163k points)
Ive only heard the word Island in movies :D
by (584k points)


Is that all you hear or—

by (149k points)
I ban nobi because i stayed up until 2 am last night rewatching Maze Runner for the seventh time.
by (103k points)
I ban Alpha because of movies
by (584k points)
I ban Esie because it started when an alien device did what it did.
by (163k points)
I ban Mel_Twilight for banning the only Alpha on KT
by (103k points)
I ban nobi for talking about aliens
by (584k points)
I ban Mel because it stuck itself upon his wrist with secrets that it hid.
by (163k points)
I ban nobi for changing his pfp from the amazing gumald to an unformatted roblox shirt :)
by (584k points)
I ban Reuel because I'm a she x3

And also, its Shikamaru    a   e   s   t   h   e   t   i   c
by (103k points)
I ban nobi for making zero sense
by (163k points)
I ban Nobi for calling me Reuel and not Alpha :D
by (584k points)
I ban Reuel because I interchange when I want to x3
by (163k points)
I ban Nobi for trying to make emojis out of letters and numbers :D
by (584k points)
I ban Reuel for trying to make emojis out of colons and letters :D
by (163k points)
I ban nobi for hypocrisy:D and
by (584k points)
I ban Reuel because my middle name is Hypocrisy :D
by (163k points)
I ban Nobi for talking out of his place after he literally named himself NobodyImportant.

by (584k points)
I ban Reuel because you are now intentionally using the wrong pronouns for me x3
by (163k points)
Omw im really sorry I legit have always thought u were a boy till u told me Im still getting used to the fact that u are a girl. Sorry.

Also I ban you for calling me Reuel x3 times in a row.  :D
by (584k points)
I ban Reuel because it is fine, and also, I will call him Reuel for a fourth time :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
by (163k points)
5th cuz u said it twice. I ban u for that:D
by (584k points)
I ban Reuel because I don't know if these are genuine smiles we are exchange or sarcastic ones :D
by (163k points)
I ban you for not knowing that sarcastic and genuine are the same thing in my world :D
by (584k points)
I ban Reuel because it is illegal to have your own world under communism, comrade :D
by (163k points)
I wanted this to be the longest comment chain but ur last punch brought me down....
by (103k points)
I ban all of you for the nonsense that you have created
by (584k points)
I ban both of you because I'm covering my ears like a kid, and when your words mean nothing I go "la la la". I'm turning up the volume when you speak, and if my heart can't stop it, I find a way to block it.
by (163k points)
I ban you for copyright ©️ infringement.
by (103k points)
I’m banning you for not listening to my amazing insights like the water is orange not blue.
by (163k points)
Actually, the water is yellow :D
by (584k points)

I ban you both because y'all are wrong, it's green like the acidic blood of my enemies.

by (163k points)
by (584k points)
I ban Reuel because he doesn't know what to think of my comebacks x3
by (163k points)
I ban nobi for having a h8lariously funny pfp.
by (584k points)
I ban Reuel because thank you :D
by (103k points)
I ban you because yes

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