+2 votes
in Other by (38.8k points)
Its one of my adult teeth what do I do?

5 Answers

0 votes
by (272k points)
Best answer

Hello Grim! I've actually experienced something similar :)

So adult teeth are all actually naturally wiggly! You're teeth are not actually connected to any bones, but they just sit in pockets in your gums, which are very fleshy and soft (to a degree) and are attached with tendons. That's why you rarely find any real (not fake ones or medical models) human skulls with many teeth!  If I pressed/ tried to wiggle any of my teeth with my fingers, they will move a bit! 

What seems to be happening is that you have become hyper-aware of this. Now that you've felt it, you can't NOT feel it, and after awhile you convince yourself that your tooth is becoming looser and looser. Trust me, I've done it SOOOO many times and been afraid that my adult teeth are falling out!

Chances are likely that there is nothing wrong, especially since you didn't mention any teeth pain, gum damage/ discoloration/ recession or infections, which are signs and symptoms of gum disease (the most common issue that causes adult teeth to loosen/ fall out). Excessive and chronic teeth grinding and jaw clenching can also sometimes cause your teeth to loosen, but it's pretty uncommon. You're just psyching yourself out! :)

If you truly are concerned, see a dentist, but I think you are just fine! Just make sure you are eating well and healthy, and that you're getting enough calcium for your teeth!! a-=D

I hope this helped in someway. Best of luck!! :D

0 votes
I've also got a loose tooth (its a baby one though)
by (1.12m points)
Same. It’s also a baby tooth.
0 votes
Wiggle it every day with your tongue.

when it falls out put a napkin on your mouth to stop the bleeding.

At least that’s what I do : )
by (38.8k points)
It is  a adult tooth

I don’t know then, sorry shrug

0 votes
It's quite easy.

Don't touch it, if it comes out while you're eating that's fine.

Just rinse your mouth out for like, 30 secs or a minute with salt water, and swish it around your mouth and gargle.

You can still brush your teeth, just be a bit softer when brushing that tooth.

And don't eat anything too hard.
0 votes
by (102k points)
Oh that isn’t good have you told a parent or something yet?
by (38.8k points)
Don't have parents and I dont want to tell my grandparents because they think I'm annoying and probably wouldn't care.
by (102k points)
Oof do you have anybody else that you could possibly tell? Like a teacher or something?
by (38.8k points)

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