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in Homework Help by (85.7k points)
Or bad in general? I don't think so right? Isn't the legend that poisiden *violated* her and athena turned her into medusa for some reason? Someone please educate me

3 Answers

0 votes
by (207k points)
Well, ya see....

*Puts on glasses

*rolls out blackboard

Poseidon and Medusa were dating. They went to the Temple of Athena and made out and stuff like that. In ancient greek times, it was disrespectful to be all lovey dovey in a temple of a god. So Athena got mad and turned Medusa into a hideious monster. She couldn't do that to Poseidon, so she was just very angry at him.

Medusa was very vain when she was a human, so Athena cursed her for the reason above and this reason.

So Medusa started turning everybody in earthly existence into stone. (Why Athena gave her this power is beyond me--)

by (32.8k points)
Yeah it depends on which telling of the myth you’re hearing or reading

But there also is the one where her sisters helped her sneak into Athena’s temple to see Poseidon and when she found out or discovered them she turned Medusa into the Greek monster of myth, and her sisters into the gorgons which I think are said to be equally as ugly but they can’t turn people to stone

(I am also very much a nerd Eva)
by (207k points)

(trust me I know)
0 votes
by (523k points)

Medusa deserved better :[

Also, even when she is all snakes and monster, she still looks beautiful x3
0 votes
No not really. Apparently Athena blamed Medusa for doing something and cursed her for being too pretty I think

And then she was so ugly to look at because of the snakes in her hair. If anybody looked her in the eye, they turned to stone because of her ugliness.

Idk. Weird story line. Myths are always so annoying because they always try to make up random Gods and Goddesses to explain why simple things happened, like the stars being in the sky, or how "Phaethon" caused all the mountains and valleys because he was disobedient to his father, Helios the king of the skies.

It also never makes sense, because science has  already proved why these things happened, and the bible also proves it: God. He created it all.
by (207k points)
You do realize this is a WHOLE different religion--
Lol I know

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