+3 votes
in Other by (22.1k points)
I said don't click you've gone to far it okay just you back




























































































































.I said l..















. leave you or IL give you a quiz.


















































































































Okay you wanted it so your driving bus




































































 And 2 kids get on

















 And 3 gets get on










Then 5 people get off























Does the bus driver use kt
















Oh but know like really leave






















Why are you still here what do you want






























Okay you won

5 Answers

+2 votes
by (528k points)
Best answer
Sweet victory :D
0 votes
by (87.1k points)
I won!! VICTORY IS MINE!!!! And yes I do use KT
+1 vote
by (961k points)
I won.

There would be 1 person left, so the answer is yes.
+1 vote
by (115k points)
I won hehe
by (22.1k points)
You did but do you know the answer to the quiz or riddle
by (115k points)
I only care about the victory :D
+1 vote
by (99.3k points)
Yay I won :]

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