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in Venting by
I really want help with my identity but I just cant

I hate being Venezuelan so mich

Why am I so unlucky to be born there

I am actually crying. I havent told my parents because I hate how I feel

Listening to Scandinavian music dosent feel the same anymore because no matter what Im an ugly, stinky, Venezuelan girl and not a societically valid and pretty Scandinavian girl

Go look up "Venezuela news" right now. Would you be proud of that?

Now. Im going to attempt to take down my Norway-Sweden flag because I am feeling so awful of my heritage

I feel so good for everyone here bevause theyre BLESSED with good cultures. Venezuelan culture is not good.

I want to stop being Venezuelan

KT dont take this down.

6 Answers

0 votes
by (951k points)
Eh, I see stuff about the Venezuelan government helping Brazil and a vote to increase the minimum wage there. And also stuff about Venezuela invading Guyana (geopolitics is pretty interesting) and other stuff.
by (775k points)
most of it is bad

Venezuela is communist-

the Minimun Wage was once 6$ USD (60$ Venezuelan bolivares)
by (951k points)
Well now it’s—

Wait, one US dollar is worth 3,653,064.17 Venezuelan bolívars? That’s crazy…

Well, according to your definition, the minimum wage is now $13.
+1 vote
by (53.2k points)


The place you were born doesn't define you... you can't choose the place you're born just as much as you can't choose the way you look or who you family is...

Here's wat to do: stop focusing on the things you can't change and focus on the things you can change. Carly, you can't choose how you look, but you can choose how you treat other people. You can't choose where you're born, but you can choose who you become. This is why people always say that it only matters how you are on the inside and not on the outside.. bcs the outside doesn't define you, the inside does...

Hope this helps ;)

0 votes
by (543k points)
Don't feel bad. I wish I were Swedish all the time bc then I would have a stronger bond to MC. Just explain to ur parents you don't like your heritage
by (53.2k points)
Yes, and then they'll change it for you ;]
0 votes
by (515k points)

I know I'm not supposed tobe active right now and sure Noah blah I'm going through some things but I. Don't. Care. I am breaking my streak of taking a break because I just saw your post and I know that I have to help you. I don't even know how I am going to help you but I can totally try. Sorry if this is not very helpful I'm not really meant to be active right now.

Your beautiful. You are pretty. Don't let haters get you down. Most of all, don't let yourself get you down. Your hating on yourself. We all think your beautiful just the way you are and we all love you for who you are. Your a sweet, amazing, brave, smarter then anyone I know, friend that I'm so happy to know. Your amazing just the way you are. I just looked it up. I'm sorry. :(( but your still amazing. You might just be the most brave person I have ever met.

Sure maybe you like different types of music. Sure you hate babies. And you don't wear makeup. Guess what? I got you girl. I hate makeup. I wear it for cheer and that is it. But other then that I go bare faced everywhere. I love different types of music. I just started listening to a few of the ones that you post on here and I really do find them super cool!! Your really good at actually finding things like that!! And your really smart too!!

Here is a hug to help you feel better about yourself. *hug*. Your amazing carly. Whatever your real name is, I'm sure its beautiful. I find average names to be a bit boring. Like I hate those trending girls names. Your amazing I'm serious. Don't hate yourself. You are beautiful. You are worth it. Be proud to be alive. Be proud of your culture. Be proud of yourself. Say it with me carly. You. Are. Amazing. Ok.

I don't have one bad thing to say about you. Except maybe your too awesome!! You know more and nordic and Sweden things and history more then anyone I know!! You are literally something special girl. Your special. Your so amazing!! And did I mention how good you are at art?? I know it sucks to feel so down about yourself sometimes. But just know your kt family loves you for you. You don't need to hide on kidztalk. You can just..just be YOU.

Your so cool. Your two years older then me and I think of you as my super talented smart, kind, brave, older sister. And on top of all of that stuff. YOUR BEAUTIFUL. Never doubt yourself. Even if you think you are "ugly" your personality is still beautiful!! Guess who told me that?? Shred told me that. If Japan peach was still here, she would say how great you are caryl!! I. Think. You. Are. So. Amazing.

Your not unlucky. Talk to someone. It doesn't have to be your parents. Message me. Talk with me. I'm only a message away if you ever need to vent. Even if I don't answer all of your posts, I always read them and think, thats carly for you!! The talented, brave, sweet, smart, amazing, beautiful girl who I know and love as a friend!! I will always be here to support you and help you find and love yourself ok? Come to me whenever!!

Your not ugly. Your not stinky. You are cool. You are pretty. Only pretty people say they are ugly. The people who are "pretty" hate themselves. So be confident. Embrace yourself. Talk about how amazing and cool you are. We all know your cool so don't pretend we don't think that girl!! Your like, my own personal model. I want to be as cool as you when I am 14!!

And none of this stuff that I am telling you is just me being "niceL this is how I feel about you and we all know how amazing you are!! So please stay strong and love yourself and don't do anything bad to yourself now you will regret that in the future.


*hug again*

Your pretty.

0 votes
( sorry for the bad spelling,)

I'm sorry you're feeling that way, but the country you're from doesn' t determine who you are as a person! maybe you can try searching up good things about venezuela culture, other than the bad news you might see from time to time. like how your country came to be, famous people who are from there, and ect.and you're not ugly and stinky!!! beuty comes in all shapes and forms, not just one small one.and you don' t have to fit what society expects, because soceity is just a group of insecure people trying to make other people insecure as well by fitting unrealistic standereds they themselves can 't even do themselves!

 i'm terribly sorry, i can relate somewhat because i'm African-american and often always wish i was anything but, because of how negativley we are seen as criminals and ghetto and unatractive people. but even if you might think your heratige sucks, there are always still some goodness about them all!

if you have any friends that are venezuelan try talking to them more, or try telling your parents about how you feel, even if you feel this might upset them a bit. or, try practicing self-care. or if you are religous try praying or anything that you can do for that certain religion if you have one.

( like being nice to yourself, or doing kind acts for others might also help, or try looking on the internet for other people who might be venezuelan as well, or stories of other venezuelans)

I hope this stuff helps you out and that you feel better, and please remember that being venezuelan is a part of you, and that it is a good part of you, not a bad part.
by (775k points)
Im religious (Im Christian)
+1 vote
by (525k points)
Carly, if you don't like your heritage, you should know that your heritage doesn't always make who you are.

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