+3 votes
in The "Normal" Blog By a Not Weird Girl by (206k points)

Okay!! Lets start thisevil

  1. Would you rather quit KT or Roblox?? (for those who don't play roblox, do minecraft)
  2. Imagine your celebrity crush and your fictional crush are in a burning room. You can only save one. Who would you save?fire
  3. Would you rather spend a night in a room full of spiders or sleep in a room with ghosts?
  4. Would you rather give up snacks or sweets 4 eva?
  5. Would you rather die slowly or fast?
  6. Would you rather be a mermaid or an angel?
  7. Dragons or unicorns?
  8. Would you rather be the only boy in a house full of girls or the only girl in a house full of boys?

❤❤I'll do part 2 if y'all ask for it!!❤❤

14 Answers

0 votes
by (260k points)


1.) I dunno, maybe KT, 'cause I'm a Roblox addict T_T

2.) Celebrity crush giggle He's also lowkey fictional too, though. Guess he's doomed :(

3.) Ghosts. Maybe. Probably.

4.) I'd rather give up sweets!

5.) Depends :) I saw someone write a tweet that said something along the lines of "I hope death is slow and feels like when you were little, and fell asleep at the family function on the couch and you can still hear the adults laughing and talking, and eventually your parents pick you up and carry you off to bed/car to go home." I hope it's like that too :)

6.) Omg. Angel innocent

7.) Unicorns- a sign of purity :)

8.) Only girl, just because I LOVE being a girl!! :D

by (521k points)
Me too, except the part where every month can be mildly torturous for five days :D
by (260k points)
REAL! :D So much fun, right!? RIGHT!?
by (521k points)


0 votes
by (32.7k points)

Roblox, because then I wouldn't do digital art in the 1st place.

I'm saving my celeb crush, because James Hetfield I just can't live without. Rarity can catch herself

Sleep in a room of ghosts, cant be too bad.

Don't make me pick between snacks or sweets... ever.

Die slow, not painfully tho

I'd be a MeRmAid

UNICORN UNICORN UNICORN. (my Little pony fan)

only boy in a house full of girls

+1 vote
by (521k points)
Roblox, because I can always have Minecraft >:]

Celebrity crush, Chaplin needs to be alive to make people laugh. Shikamaru will figure out a way x3

Sleep in a room with ghosts. They might be chill (HAHAHAHAHAHIAHBEVIQEQN GET IT 'CAUSE—)

Hmm... Sweets. You can lose weight by eating no sugar :D

Fast, I wouldn't like to know that I'm dying and then suffer because I don't want to die.

Angel. Mermaids can't do much other than breathe underwater x3

Dragons >:D

Only girl because 1, I'm a tomboy, and 2, I would have to be the only girl because... Well, I'm a girl x3
by (206k points)
I smiled so widely at that corny joke about ghosts
0 votes
by (162k points)
kt because i have over 600 hours on roblox

fictional crush because celebs don't really appeal to me

ghosts because it would be awesome


as slow as possible(really high pain tolerence so slower the better)

probably angel

dragons because why not

only boy in family because then i wouldn't have a brother
0 votes
by (159k points)
1: minecraft obvi

2: celeb even tho I don’t have a celeb crush

3: room with ghosts

4: sweets

5: fast, whoever wants to die slow has an iq of like 40

6: angel


8: first one *careless whisper intensifies*
+1 vote
by (44.7k points)

KT bcs first I would make all yall join mc and get yalls usernames and then quite KT

Doesn't apply. But if it did, celebrity bcs fictional is.... well, fictional

Ghosts... I can't handle bugs of any kind... everyone I tell says they agree until I tell them it includes butterflies and they look at me like I'm insane...

sweets... I don't really like either tho

Fast duh lol

Angel mermaid would be just gross.. angel would be cool (sry to anyone who chose mermaid)

dragons bcs they can fly and they have colorful scales and collect treasure :D

I'd be the only girl bcs I am a girl and I don't wanna be anything else and bcs most gurls are so obsessed with makeup and fashion and gossip and dresses that it would just be terrible... but then again boys are just flat out weird... well ig all teens are flat out weird, but I'd def be the only gurl

Yes. Do part two or I'll find out where you live. (IM JUST KIDDDDIIIING KT DOONNTT BANNNN MEEE)

by (947k points)
Well, I don’t agree with the fact that you can’t handle venomous bugs.
by (44.7k points)

Maybe YOU can handle bugs... I cant.. I hate them all >:O
by (947k points)
Eh, I eat them, of course I can handle them.
by (44.7k points)
:o u. Eat. BUGS?!?!?

PS: ppl are now putting ded dried bugs in meat bcs there's not enough meat in this world to feed everyone o_o

PSx2:don't quote me on this bcs I have no idea where the info came from...
by (947k points)
Yeah, there’s a whole bunch of them in peanut butter.
by (56.8k points)
0 votes
by (56.8k points)
1 Roblox

2 fictional character

3 ghosts (I have arachnophobia)

4 sweets

5 fast duh



8 only girl in a house full of boys.

Also…is your username GirlPower4ever? Or is it supposed to be GirlPower4Eva like Eva as a name? Cuz I’ve been sayin it like Eva a name but idk anymore…is it supposed to be Girl Power forever?
by (206k points)

But I like Eva pronounced Ehvah
by (56.8k points)
Ok. Wait……yes to what?
by (206k points)
Sorry, shoulda confirmed lol.

I was saying yes to the last part :D
by (56.8k points)


I kept callin u Eva as in the name.
0 votes
by (110k points)
1. I will not be answering that.

2. celeb bc I don't have a fictional crush :)



5. fast



8. only girl
0 votes
by (513k points)
skipping cuz i sont play sny of that

Celebrity crush


Only girl in a house full of boys cuz Id be tough



0 votes
by (30.8k points)
1. I can’t decide I love both

2. Fictional crush because I don’t have a celeb crush :p

3. Ghosts

4. Oof I can’t decide

5. Fast I guess?

6. Angel

7. Dragons of course

8. Only girl I guess


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