+7 votes
in Personal by
I feel like y'all are ignoring me.I have posted a lot and I am trying so hard to get lots of likes and comments.I won't be active as much next week cuz that'll be my first week of third grade.Our school day ends at 3:00.
by (24.4k points)

Maybe you just have to waitwink_smile

by (110k points)
I know this doesn't help at all but imma be honest; I didn't even know u used Ks
by (24.4k points)
Well, I don't know what are you talking about

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (348k points)
Best answer

Things are just very slow this time of year. In a few weeks when school starts it will be a lot busier and you will see many more responses. We appreciate your posts and hope you continue with them!


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