+13 votes
in Personal by (110k points)
I have been having dreams about bears. The first one was when I was being chased by a bear. The second one was when I was inside looking out the window and there was a bear just sitting there, laying down like a cat does when they want to be petted (y'all crazy cat lovers know what I'm talking about). Anyway, I asked google, and it said that if a bear is chasing you in a dream it signifies you avoiding a big issue and needing to deal with it now.


   In the second dream, it was weird bc it felt so real, since i was in the second dream looking at the bear, and remembering having a dream about a bear chasing me before. So I thought that I was in reality at this point. (I have very vivid dreams. I don't know if recognizing other dreams within dreams means something regarding the meaning of them both, I just know that I have a bizarre memory so maybe that's all it is) so please help me if you may know what it means or how to deal with it. Thanks.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I can remember the layout of both houses that I've lived in, even though I'm 13 now and was 5 years old or less while living in them, but I will still have trouble remembering what I had for dinner last night. (What DID I have for dinner last night????)
by (1.34m points)
I don't think they have meaning... Just memories and thoughts from your head.

6 Answers

+3 votes
by (90.2k points)
Best answer
The second dream means that you have a really big problem in your life (the bear) but you are pretending the problem is not big (the bear acting like a cat).
by (110k points)
Oh my freakin gosh that is exactly what happened. I didn't think it was a big deal/problem or even a problem at all. Thx
+1 vote
Actually, mosquitos are the most dangerous animal on the earth (not counting the ocean)
+1 vote

I have a question how does anyone know about the dream? A:can't tell you... But I know... 1 Your family chooses to go camping in the forest... And In the middle of the night, you wake up and see one. Remember bears are the most crime animal on earth\land .

So you have 3 choices.. You wake up mum order or both and call someone or 999 for help. Or you give an apple to the bear and sneak back in the get a stick and write on the ground help! Or taim the bear.

2 you are in your house as usual and you find a bear in your garden which the cats. You see the bear and the bear sees you, you shout but that didnt go well the bear fights you!

           Ways to fix and know bear survival.....

1 Duck bears can't reacornise you so they think your a bear to.

2 Bears have a strong nose were they can smell things easter then Humans.

3 Bears do weired things do them to.

+1 vote

That last part... FUN FACT ABOUT ME: I can remember the layout of both houses that I've lived in, even though I'm 13 now and was 5 years old or less while living in them, but I will still have trouble remembering what I had for dinner last night. (What DID I have for dinner last night????)

...reminds me of myself. I can remember a lot of a song I heard only once in either preschool or kindergarten. (I am in 8th grade now!!!) But when it comes to my short term memory... I'm horrible at remembering.


Me: *Eats dinner*

20 min. later...

Me: What's for dinner?

Mom: Ummm... the pizza you had 20 min. ago of course...

+13 votes
by (24.4k points)

Maybe you'll have a teddy beargiggle

+1 vote
by (27.7k points)
Hello Rea I'm twilight stardust ⭐ I don't know why you have bear dreams but I am the master at escaping night mares so I'm going to teach you . When you realize you had a bear dream while your dreaming you squeeze your eyes tight and squeeze your fists and then you'll wake up on your own and if it doesn't work keep trying and if you have any questions let me know .
by (110k points)
Yeah, sorry Miss Master Escape Artist of the Land of Dreams, but I ain't lucid dreaming, so i am just watching it all happen, I can't control what I do, see, think or feel. It just happens. Like it's something that I need to hear. Whether it's my will or not. Thanks for trying to help, but I was looking for someone to tell me what it means, not how to get out of it.
by (1.34m points)
I've done that for years!
by (34.7k points)
LOL. I agree with Rae.

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