+8 votes
in Non-Fiction by
Well should they?
I think that different ages are good for jobs like you can be younger to babysit...but if you are 11 and looking for a job then you can't be a teacher so it really depends. But overall you should have a choice ☺️
by (1.34m points)
Nobody over the age of 11 thinks that an 11 year old should Have a job.

15 Answers

+1 vote
by (159k points)
Certain jobs if qualified and mature enough
+1 vote
kids can work certain jobs for exaple you should not babysit until you are at least 13 [i mean i strated babysittting at 7 but we lived in a extremely safe neighbor and  i mean SAFE] but im 10 and i somtimes go to a strawberri picking place called pappys only pappys family works their but when i turn 11 ima fold boxes and garden their so it really depends on the job
by (1.34m points)
Good answer!
+1 vote

I think maybe jobs should be available for kids only in the summer  . And at a certain age  like starting at 13\12 .
by (1.34m points)

You're too young. You'll understand what I mean in a few years.


You called me too young angry_smile. You call yourself older !angry_smile you are a kid ! Unless ... No ...but maybe ... Are ...y...y you an a adult ? Cause you sound like one right now . adul always seem doubtful they underestimate us . but we can prove them wrong who is with me !   My brother (9years old mind you ) would do a great job ! He is a hard worker and could do a much better job than a (older ) Teenager .

       I,m sorry ,but I am tired of every single person underestimating kids.

P.S do you want to be my friend  ? 

by (1.34m points)
lol do you think you could do taxes kiddo? Do you want a 3rd grader to bring you your Starbucks drink?

I'm a kid too, except I realize I can't get a job yet. I have common sense. There's a reason why we are called kids.
Why are you calling me a "Kiddo,' . ?  You said so yourself  You are a kid so please stop calling me kiddo. Also you don't think I have common sense . you may be right but atleast I,m a dreamer.

I can see myself doing taxes . and yes I do want a 3d grader to bring me a Starbucks drink .
by (1.34m points)
I was mostly joking around Thalia. I dont care that much :)
by (1.34m points)
but one day you and me will understand why a 9 year old cant work
0 votes
by (1.34m points)
We might think we're ready but we're not. Trust me. Also we would have a lot of legal issues and tax issues and more
+1 vote
by (137k points)

I know some kids below the age of 13 that are excited to get a job, and I agree, getting your first job is very exciting. However, I don't think anyone below 14/15 should apply for a corporate job. At that age, I think you should focus your full attention on schoolwork. Sometimes it can be hard to balance your job AND school at the same time, which could cause you to fall behind or develop an unhealthy schedule trying to find time to do the work.

There's also the concern with the fact jobs like being a waiter or cashier are very social. That means you encounter a lot of people daily, and sometimes those people aren't good people. They could potentially put you in stressful situations or do something inappropriate to you, and some kids at 12 are too naive to recognize the signs before it's too late.

Lastly, kids mess up. Like, a lot. Imagine you want to get a quick coffee before you need to get school/work, and the 12 year old serving you messes up your order twice, making you late. Hiring kids would just be a plain inconvenience to employers at that point.

I think job training should be available as an extracurricular in middle/high school, so when they are old enough to work they'll be prepared for it.
Everybody messes up  so I don't see that point .
by (137k points)
it's just a fact kids have less developed brains than adults, so of course they're going to have trouble understanding and following instructions. they mess up more because they're younger and less experienced, and their cognitive abilities aren't quite developed yet. having a job isn't like school, employers aren't just going to allow you to make mistakes over and over again. you're replaceable to them, they can find someone to do the job better.

ik when you're young, you think "i'm not like that, i'm good at paying attention, i'm sure i'll be good at a job". but like pumpkin said, the older you get the more you can see that's a horrible idea. kids tend to overestimate themselves a lot.
I see your point still think kids can do a good job even with their underdeveloped brain ,but I see your point .

I feel like you think I am younger than you , and I am ,but I am still close in age.  Really cause I,m used to being underestimated .

P.S. yes job training would be amazing !
+1 vote
If they want too, yes. Yes they should. I say 13-14 is where it should start.
Exactly ! Well I think 12 ,but still similar .
by (1.34m points)

Lol nah man. A 12 year old working? tongue_smile

I could see myself as a 12 year old working
A 12 year old could do a great job !
by (1.34m points)
No they wouldn't. You're too young. You'll understand what I mean in a few years.
+1 vote
No! Kids need to have fun and learn!
+1 vote
by (284k points)
I think they should have a choice, if they want to then they can, if they dont want to then they dont but its  to them
+2 votes
by (155k points)
It depends because I'm ready and willing to work but ik plenty of kids who are not ready. Maybe you could do a thing and if you want to work the day after you turn ten you do training and testing and if you complete it you can work if you don't complete it you wait until the next year.
by (284k points)
by (155k points)
by (284k points)
+2 votes
Yes , Kids can be hard workers ,but some jobs are too big for little kids .

Like for instance I think kids 12 and up should be able to work all we get to do like @Jane Hopper said. Babysitting. I feel like kids are very unenthusiastic which make them good at working. ,but maybe lets not get an 8 Year old to work .

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