+12 votes
in Pictures and Drawings by (137k points)
SO, my mom is OBSESSED with good handwriting and calligraphy, and I thought I would try to learn it. I got a calligraphy pen, ink, and nibs, but I realized I was awful at it. If any of you know anything about calligraphy that would be a big help. Thanks!
by (415k points)

For more information, you can always look to the internet!boogie

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (415k points)
Best answer
Well, I don't know much, but here are some tips!


Gothic is a font mostly used as Old English, although has capitals that are hard write with a pen. The more you compress traditional handwriting, letters begin to resemble a bit like a gothic script.

Loads of compressing becomes a true gothic script.

• "Italic"

Over centruies, a script called "Italic" has changed a lot. As today, people who use calligraphyare finding new ways to modify the letters, although matain the underlying principles of construction.

Italic writing is usually called 'branching acres'.

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