+13 votes
in Fun Stuff by (61.9k points)

This is a list of popular users!

1.Knight Star

2. Queeny

3. GemHeart 

4. luna midnight 


6. Ammy K.

7. Gryfinnder Gal

8. Lou the lover


10. MEEE!!!! omgomg

Ok now the facts from google:

Do dogs get cavities in their teeth?
Pets, like their human owners, can get cavities. However, cavities are relatively rare in dogs because dogs' diets generally are not high in decay-causing sugars. Veterinary dental experts have noticed a mild rise in the incidence of cavities among dogs fed sugary treats.
Which planet has the longest day?
So, Venus has the longest day of any planet in our solar system. It completes one rotation every 243 Earth days. Its day lasts longer than its orbit. It orbits the Sun every 224.65 Earth days, so a day is nearly 20 Earth days longer than its year.
Who has held their breath the longest?
In 2012, German freediver Tom Sietas held his breath underwater for 22 minutes and 22 seconds, besting Dane Stig Severinsen's previous Guinness record by 22 seconds.
How old is the oldest tree?
The world's 10 oldest living trees. At 4,841 years old, this ancient bristlecone pine is the oldest known non-clonal organism on Earth. Located in the White Mountains of California, in Inyo National Forest, Methuselah's exact location is kept a close secret in order to protect it from the public.
Can Animals Dream?
In fact, they concluded that animals can have very complex dreams that include memories or replays of events that happened while they were awake. The researchers studied rats that had been trained to run on a track. They mapped and measured brain activity with electrodes while the rats were awake and running.
This was my LOOOONGEST post ever!


8 Answers

+3 votes
by (61.9k points)
For anyone who thinks the post doesn’t make sense, remember, it was posted a year ago.
by (375k points)
by (415k points)
It was posted in March, that was only a few months ago. But yeah, some of this isn't exactly correct. Expect my part lol!!
by (1.34m points)
+4 votes
by (90.2k points)
1,000,000.  MEH.  XD
+3 votes
by (1.34m points)
Supaman only posted one question. How is he/she popular?
by (82.3k points)
There the first user
by (1.34m points)
So? That does not mean they are popular.
by (75.6k points)
Yeah, how about Tyler or Cindy? (and maybe me idk)
by (61.9k points)

Lol, sorry guys, I was very crazy back then. I am still cringing at this old post fear. XD Y’ALL UNDERSTAND!!!

by (1.34m points)
lol okay :D
by (1.34m points)
I do agree that you are popular. Possibly in the top five, when you are active.
by (957k points)
But the question is the most famous in all of KidzTalk history. It changed how people communicated online. It changed how people lived. It changed everything.
by (1.34m points)
1) Anyone could have posted the first question on Kidztalk if they were on the internet in 2013

2) that question only has 300 views, which means that it isn't famous and only has mediocre stats

3) It changed how people communicated online? It changed how people lived? It changed everything?

Are you joking?

Forums aren't a new thing, so it didn't change how people communicated online, and it most certainly didn't change how people loved LOL
by (957k points)
But that question started how KidzTalk would be today. Seriously, SUPAMAN even has a gold badge for it.
by (1.34m points)
again, read point 1.
by (957k points)
Just look at the question. KidzSearch even gave him 25,000 points for being a legend.
by (1.34m points)
I know. But I think it was stupid of them to do that.
by (957k points)
by (1.34m points)
ok i agree
+4 votes
by (80.4k points)
wow i am not popular here ouch that hurts
by (61.9k points)
Yeah u are
+3 votes
by (415k points)
I'm first popular! And cool facts!
+4 votes

My dog has dreams all the time, and we can tell because he makes weird noises in his sleep when he is having a nightmare. Good job on this post! in_lovea-^^

by (415k points)
I would love to know what my dog dreams of lol
+3 votes
by (448k points)
Amazing post
+3 votes
by (82.3k points)
Yay I'm in there

(I thought I wouldn't be that popular)
by (80.4k points)
i am not popular i guess some o are gone or new only been for a week

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