+15 votes
in Girls' Advice Column by
Hi, I have a problem. There is this boy I was into since 2nd grade, and then I forgot about him until now, because he is in my class. I started hanging out with my old friends, and he is hanging out with us, and he started hanging out with us ever since I was hanging out with my old friends. Usually a lot of people have a crush on him, and he always has a crush on 2 people a year. He hugs me and stuff, which makes me feel uncomfortable. I think he likes me, but the way he is acting makes me not like him. How do I know if he has a crush on me or not?
by (2.6k points)
I have this problem as well...TwT
Mine is similar...I have a crush and he kind of seems like he likes me too, but I can’t tell....
by (1.7k points)
Look at his cheeks and face in general he might blush if he likes you. Be really nice to him and he might start liking you. that might also be why I like my *ahem* girlfriend(i consider her one because she likes me and i like her).


I know this might work because i am a boy.

(p.s the girl's name is Mary.)
by (155k points)
Same I like about at our church and he is always staring at me I think he likes me!!!
by (1.7k points)
you're welcome! see boys can be helpful
no one said we are not dude!

but yeah check if the dude is nervous if he freezez around you well then you gott your self \\an admirer!

i know because well i did the saame thing around my girlfreind nikki before we startedd dating she caught me crushing on her after a while! and it helps if you have known them a while  like a while and i mean maybe more than a yr
by (68.9k points)

I honestly do not know. I have gone through that before, but not the hugging thing, although I am young, I still kind of know what it is like. I used to like this guy, and he always was nice to me and it seemed like he liked me, but then when my old 'friend' told him I liked him before I moved away without permission, he told me in person that he does not like me back. I was sad for a day and then got over it, I learned that I didn't actually like him as much as I thought I did, so you might be like that too and figure out that you didn't like him that much anyway. It also depends if he's a nice guy or not.

~ Wraya <3

by (12.9k points)
omg samesies!!! pretty much half the girls in the entire grade like my crush. uWu
I feel you! I have a friend that I am currently crushing on, though its hard to tell if she likes me back. She has ADHD and other disorders, so she will randomly clasp my hand when she's scared and say some semi-romantic things with me. Its difficult to tell what she means.

Though, if this crush of yours is really making you uncomfortable, then you really should let him know! A simple, "Please don't do that", or ," Im not comfortable with that, sorry", would suffice.

I hope this helps you!

Honestly i have the same problem
Omg girl same I love this boy but I am only 9 but I want a BF I am a goofy girl and so is him we have alot in common. DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO. If he tells me I have a plan. If he finishes I kiss him on the cheek so easy right. If you know Jed Kennedy I want him to be my man

21 Answers

0 votes
by (2.8k points)
Based on this, he probably does. And since you like him back, this could be a big step into a potential relationship! However, if things he does now make you uncomfortable, I'm sure the intentions and some actions will change if y'all get together. But if u both care about each other, the other can work out the other can work out their problems that make the other person uneasy. So basically, I say it's safe to say he likes you a little more than friends. It's just up to you how you want to approach that knowing what you know now. Hope this helps!

0 votes
by (23.6k points)
He probably does
0 votes
Well her is how u tell he has a crush on you. First he will stare at you a lot. He will talk about you a lot. He will tease or compliment you. He will touch u gently. He may get nervous and say random stuff. He might blush around u. He has added u on social media. Lastly his texts are longer than yours. Hope this helps:)
0 votes
i think u should just ask nicely if he can stop but if he doesnt tell a reliable adult.
0 votes

Also I don't know how to tell. I guess just ask him and open up.
+1 vote
I also have that problem with a girl
+2 votes
So basically I had a crush in third grade and he stares at me a lot basically all the boys at my school stare at girls and there was a lot of girls liked him like 9 or 10 liked him .And then he ends knowing I have a crush on him and I was sweating and then he ends up asking me questions it’s so nervracking and weird .My advice just do something for him or tell him how u feel.
+1 vote
by (3.4k points)
Everyone seems to have crushes except for me…..that’s Great
+2 votes

My crush is now my boyfriend because I told him I liked him. Sometimes it works out sometimes it doesn't. Telling him is the easiest way to find out just go for it! 

by (12.9k points)
thx!!!!!!!!!! that is super cute and awesome. how old r u tho? i am only 12
+1 vote
Wow this is interesting...see, I am homeschooled, and I don't feel this way much. For starters, if you don't want him to hug you, just tell him! And what grade are you in now? It could be uncomfortable for you to ask if he likes you back, and I can understand that. I hope this helps in some way :) I am a girl, btw


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