+6 votes
in Poetry Contests by (165k points)

I am doing a poetry contest, since my other writing contest got discontinued because I 100% forgot about it, this is only a one time contest. The time limit is till next Monday, so that gives people a week to come up with a poem (any poems that are made later won't count). You may enter a poem into the contest by either making it in the comments/answers or making a post and putting the link into the comments/answers (I mean it, i have gotten people for my writing contest just make the post with "for luna's contest" in the title but never comment it, it would be great help to me if you would put the link in the answers/coments). No specific theme, it can be about anything you want. For the style, I would prefer a more common style like acrostic, repetition, or just rhyme (there will be examples of each of those at the bottom of the post) but it can be any style, please list the style you choose to the poem, if you don't know, powerpoetry.org has many poetry style definitions, just pick the one that sounds most like yours.

This is an example of an acrostic poem, made by an acrostic poem generator (any use of acrostic poem generators will not be allowed in the contest, only in this example, if I find out someone is using a generator their poem will not count.)

S is for Scintillating, you shine brilliantly
A is for Alluring, so attractive
M is for Magical, you make the impossible happen
A is for Admirable, commanding our respect
N is for Nurturing, you bring out the good in people
T is for Talented, gifted with ability
H is for Heady, intoxicating company
A is for Alluring, so attractive

This is an example of a rhyming poem (duh), this poem was made by Wendy Clay on familyfriendspoems .com called  "War of The Words".

Our English language? A curious thing!
Hammers don't ham and fingers don't fing,
Grocers don't groce and ushers don't ush,
And why is a rear called a toosh, not a tush?
You can't have the willie, the heebee or jitter,
And patter is noisy unless it's with pitter.
Can you do a flip? That's an interesting word...
Flip a house or a pancake or even a bird!

This is an example of repetition by Roberto Bolano.

I felt happy because I saw the others were happy and because I knew I should feel happy, but I wasn’t really happy.

Thank you for the compliments, LOL...
by (165k points)

4 Answers

+2 votes
by (61.9k points)
Best answer

I am aware this is late, but you never announced the winners.

                       Trapped in Time image


Falling through the clouds,in the middle of nowhere

Having a fit and running until you get there

No one can escape the land of time

It’s like we are trapped in an invisible box,just like a mime


Those chains that try to keep me safe,it causes me to be a waif

A waif who cannot be kept in place

They have to roam to find the perfect home

All they have is a bed made with loam


Because we are all trapped inside an evil dome

We all wish that we can escape

But we are all stuck to the tape,that sticky tape

Oh,the power it has seems impossible

But time is suasible


Time is suasible,you feel it but can’t persuade it

Like a light bulb that can’t be lit,so you throw into that trash pit

Where you can’t get it back again

And you don’t have the object’s gen


You ask yourself if there is a way

To go back to the day,where it all seemed okay

But you can’t escape

Because you are stuck to that tape


You are told to follow the light,that shines so bright

But what do we do if we cannot find it in the crisis that is so tight

Some people are blind,they let go of their mind

And the pain is just so undefined


But I can find a way

That leads me to a day where everything is okay

Just carve out your own kind of path

And it might lead you away from all the wrath




by (165k points)
While this was late, and I told arKZo that they were the winner, I think this is amazingly good and I think this ties in first place with arKZo.
+1 vote
by (61.9k points)

Check out this website to find plagiarism.


by (165k points)
As for that poem, It is just a random example of rhyme I found, and I said who it was by and on what website.
+1 vote
by (165k points)
0 votes
by (448k points)


Acrostic Poem

L is for Loving, giving us company

U is for Ubiquitous, in which I see you here

N is for Noble, in our community

A is for Amiable, in which you are friendly

M is for Mighty, in which you are strong

I is for Inventive, in which your creativity is strong

D is for Diligent, as you work hard in all your tasks

N is for Nice, as you come in and help those in need

I is for Immaculate, in your style

G is for Genial, as you are cheerful and friendly

H is for honest, as you always tell the truth

T is for talented in your stories

by (165k points)


That was really good!!

by (448k points)
haha thanks luna
by (165k points)
I forgot to post the results, but you won Arkzo.

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