+19 votes
in LLM's Place by (375k points)
Hi, everyone.

If you couldn't guess by my username I am a big Harry Potter fan. I have been wanting to do a survey on this for a while. So here it is. Please answer. I would like your feedback.


QUESTION 1: Pick the answer that best suits you.

a. I have read all the books.

b. I have watched all the books.

c. Read some of the books and watched some of the movies.

d. Both A and B

e. Have done nothing to do with it.

f. Other:_______


QUESTION 2: Pick the answer that best suits you.

a. I love Harry Potter!

b. I hate Harry Potter.

c. It's okay.

e. Other:_______


QUESTION 3: For those of you that have read and watched Harry Potter.

a. The books are better.

b. The movies are better.

c. equal

d. Other:______


Put your answers in the answers please. Thanks, LLM.
1. D

2. A

3. C
I wachal the movies!!!!! I love harry potter!!!!! The movies are better!!!!

14 Answers

+3 votes
by (61.9k points)
Best answer
1) f. I am on the 6th book, and I have watched one movie.

2) a. I love Harry Potter!

3) a. The books are better.
0 votes
A, e (I like it buts it's not AMAZING. Just good) a.
0 votes
by (548k points)
0 votes
by (961k points)

1. A

2. D - It’s good, I don’t love it but I don’t hate it.

3. A
0 votes
by (167k points)
1. F (I've read all the books and watched the first 3 movies

2. A

3. A
by (786k points)
JapanPeach when can we have math problem of the day

(and can it be VMTE without Minecraft)
0 votes
by (961k points)
1. C

2. A

3. A
+1 vote
+1 vote
by (52.6k points)
1. c. some books and some movies (both of them till HP & the Order of the phoenix)

2. a. I love HP

3. c. equal, but i think i like the books a bit better
+1 vote
by (156k points)
1 I have nothing to do with it

2 I don't know anything about Harry Potter

3 I have not read the books or watched the movies.

I just wanted to do the survey tho it was pretty pointless
+1 vote
F. I need to read 5-7



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