+14 votes
in Fiction by (165k points)

     Luna, Knight, and Gemmy, led by Otaktay, walked to the Alpha of the foreign pack. The Alpha was a grey and brown mixed wolf, with cruel yellow eyes.

    Just as they approached, a female wolf ran out of the bushes to the grass around were the Alpha sat. The female wolf seemed panicked and out-of-breath, Luna guessed she was the Omega, the lowest-ranking member of the pack. The Alpha growled slightly at the Omega, the Omega avoided looking the Alpha in the eyes, and instead stared at the ground in shame. 

   As they got a little closer, Luna noticed the pile of rabbits sitting nearby the Alpha. "Hey! Those are our's!" Knight said, also seeing the rabbits. The Alpha started towards them, slowly and steadily, trying to intimidate Luna and her friends, and unfortunately to Luna, succeeding. "Oh really? Because I believe they were caught in my territory by a small, stupid little mixed pack of 2 wolves and a fox, who happened to stumble upon another pack's territory, hunt their food, drink from their water source, and sleep in their territory too, all without permission. All we did was take a few rabbits, we have the right to be angry, not you." The Alpha said, manipulating the thoughts of the pack.

     The Omega, who had stayed right behind the Alpha, tripped over a rock and fell into the Alpha by accident. In doing so, her front right paw smashed onto the rock in an unnatural way of bending, and the Omega gave a loud yelp. 

     The Alpha quickly turned towards the Omega, growling, fuming mad at the Omega, of whom tried to back  away without putting up any strain on her paw, which was now bleeding rapidly. "I TOLD YOU, YOU FILTHY LITTLE OMEGA, ONE MORE MESS UP AND I'D-" The Alpha started but was unable to finish, for a long noise followed by a narrow piece of silver that had pierced the Alpha's chest, the Alpha yelped and came down crashing. Some wolves ran, some got as many wolf pups as possible and took them away (minus Luna and Knight), and some stayed behind and growled at the beings that emerged from the bushes, carrying camoflauge guns pointed at different wolves, and a couple wolves stayed to help the Alpha. No one went to help the wounded Omega, except for Luna.

     "Hey, I am Luna, come on, let's get you outta here, I will help you with your paw," Luna said to the Omega. "T-thank you, m-my name is A-Ammy, why are y-you helping m-m-me?" The Omega said, as Luna helped her with her paw and they started to run and get out of there and catch up to Gemmy and Knight. "No one deserves to be left behind like that," Luna said


Will they all make it out of the territory safely? Find out next chapter, and join the #HelpTheWolves group to help stop the hunting of the endangered wolves!

by (165k points)
I might make another chapter with #HelpTheWolves!
by (375k points)
Please write and post next chapter soon. This is so good. I am dying to hear more!
by (165k points)
I will do it as soon as possible!
by (375k points)

4 Answers

+2 votes
by (570 points)
Best answer

that is good but maybe you should eat image

by (165k points)
XD LOL. One of the funniest comments I have gotten on my stories.
by (375k points)
+2 votes
by (375k points)
This is amazing. Thanks for writing in the wolf hunting and making a stand against it. I can't wait to read more!!!!!
+3 votes
by (350k points)
Good job! Looking forward to more!
+2 votes
by (415k points)
Good job! Loved the chapter!

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