+10 votes
in Drafts by (61.9k points)



Amazing how you’ve been on KS for a long time. You might be one of the oldest people on! Your Kidznet History is also filled with anime drawings, and each day you are getting better and better. What made you get into anime? When did all the amazing masterpiece history begin? 




*smiles, adjusts microphone* Thank you! I'm not the oldest person on KS, nor have I been a member as long as some, but I do have a history here! I really appreciate that comment about me getting better and better *laughs*, but yeah. Anyway, the story on how I got into anime is a long one... but I'll try and shorten it! *makes gesture with hands*


So, I think I started when I was 11 or 12... back when I was really into that horror point-and-click indie game FNAF. I still do like it, but you can tell from most of my older drawings, I was sorta obsessed then.*laughs, blushes* But anyway, I ended up getting interested in drawing anime and manga when I got a FNAF wallpaper app, where you can see art and things like that and download them. So, for the longest time, I would print out and look at them and draw deep into the night, practicing. *laughs again* I don't think I'll be able to make up for that lost sleep! Actually, fun fact, my first drawing that I use to pinpoint my artistry endeavors was a FNAF fanart piece. I think I drew it 9/30/17.   


As for "the masterpieces", believe me, I wouldn't call them that. I look back and see mistakes all the time! For my early drawings, there wasn't enough natural curves, for later drawings, the proportions are off, eyes are too big or small, etc, etc... *frowns* I'm sure I'll look back on my stuff now, in a few years, and still find things wrong. To be honest, one of my friends said once to me, "That's good if you find mistakes! It means you're still learning and getting better".  That really made me feel better, I had always thought finding mistakes meant I never was going to be a good artist.






I’ve read your chapters and I was impressed. I’m sure others were too. You must be very good at writing! Where did all this literature wisdom come from? Was it from a book series? Classes? Anything else?




When I was young, maybe 7 or so, I started writing fantasy stories. I was relatively okay at writing even at a young age. I think the reason I am is because of me being pretty good at grammar and English *thinks for a moment* … at least that's what my mum claims, and I believe that. I've always loved reading, and I've read such books as Flowers for Algernon, Harry Potter, The Stand, and a variety of adult and teen classics. I kind of "unconsciously absorb" techniques *laughs* from books like this, as I learn best from seeing things in action. *taps side of head*  


As for where I got the "talent", I just think I'm good at doing the basics of English and then building on it. I don't take any specific creative writing classes, but some of my subjects teach how to be a creative fiction writer. Another thing I think helps is what my family calls "empathy"... my grandmother says I'm very good at relating to people and that she thinks that's what enables me to write such compelling and realistic characters. *laughs and smiles* Maybe that's what it really is? I just know it's one of the talents God gave me.






Sadly, I’ve only read very little of your manga series in Paigee World before it closed down. What is it called? What is the plot and who are the characters? What are they trying to do?




Actually, that manga series was a little fan-comic for an anime I love, called Bleach. It was about my OC Rinji Shukei, her struggle with her enemy, and her relationship with the canon characters. I usually make these Bleach fan mangas for my grandfather, but as I get better I try to branch off. It was called Bleach: The Frost Divide *acts as if it's all grandiose* and was centered around Rinji and 10th Company, which in Bleach is a military squad in the spirit world. 


I do have many other versions of this comic, one of which is a prequel, and 3 others that are sequels, but all of them were made before the Paigeeworld one. Of course, my skills have developed from that comic, and I am not planning on doing another because of my new manga, which I am trying to find a publisher for. *grins excitedly*






In one of your posts, you explained something about helping in an art gallery’s. Can you give us more details about that? How was it like? Was it fun? (Please don’t share the name of the gallery.)




Yes, that was fun! It was a local art gallery and I recently joined so I can show more art. So, I was doing it for the 2019 Student Show in April. It was basically a little event where students from my town and in the county could display their artwork. So, this one guy commented on my work. He was somewhat of an anime geek, but he was a nice guy. He said that my work "had to be the best in the room". We talked for a while and everything, but I didn't see him after that.


What was cool was the newly-elected gallery president approached me and was really impressed. "You did these without any reference?" she asked, and I said yeah. She looked stunned, glanced at my mother for conformation, and expressed how much she wanted me to join the gallery. Most of the people there are painters, quilters, woodworkers, the like, so it was rare for a manga artist to be there! Many people were somewhat shocked at my talent... *laughs* even more so when I told them I had only been drawing a few years! 








Silens I and Ratkind were very impressive. So was From Yours, Reily. There were many stories which were amazing. Even I couldn’t decide my favorite one! Out of all your creative stories, which one is your favorite? 




I love all my stories, but I would be lying if I said I didn't have a favorite! *smiles* Rather The Individual, White Raven Chronicles, or RatKind, maybe even Silens I, or Kyuusei. Yes, there are some I like more than others, even some I hate, but I usually keep on writing the ones I like. I write stories with female characters that are like me in some way, though some of my stories star male leads.


Silens I is definitely a fun story for me, especially since I don't have to build the world, I just have to go off J.K Rowling, since it is a fanfiction. As for RatKind, I love that story and have considered writing more for it, but I am very busy. Rain is based off my pet rat Scabbers (named after Harry Potter), who died a few months ago. From Yours Riley is a painful story to reread, as it does hit close to home for me in some ways. I was inspired to write that story by novels such as Fish in a Tree and Flowers for Algernon. *grins* Most of my stories do have that "Write what you know" feel to them, though some like Kyuusei come from some research and relatability, and things like that.




You are very creative and you have self-esteem in whatever you do. I bet you can fill up a sketchbook in 2 seconds! Has anyone else, outside of technology ,noticed your work? 




 *laughs* I don't always have self esteem, but thank you. If you asked me to sketch something in a minute I could do it, I no way could I fill an entire sketchbook in 2 seconds! Only about half of the things I start on end up being a finished product, believe it or not. Rather I give up, throw it away, mess up on something, or give it to someone else! 


Yes, a few people have. Mostly just random people in public, such as a woman would noticed my art and went to grab a fashion book she had and gave it to me, and the people at the gallery. I haven't been noticed by anything else, and I'm still waiting on an answer from a few publishers. I have never won an art contest, mostly because I don't have the confidence to enter, though I have a few times and it always makes me feel a bit sad when I don't even get a runner up position... 


Thank you so much for your questions!!! *bows and leaves*

3 Answers

+1 vote
+1 vote
by (1.34m points)
nice! It has been added to the magazine blog!
+3 votes
by (90.2k points)

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