+13 votes
in LLM's Place by (375k points)

LLM: Hello and welcome to my first ever OC show! Oh course, I only have one OC to interview, but I can deal with that! There will be more shows with more OCs that are still in development. Mostly Harry Potter once.

LLM: Well anyways. Our first guest, all the way from Hogwarts to our studio is Tara Dartwood. 


First Segment

LLM: Welcome to are show, Tara. Don’t be shy. Come on in. 

Tara: *walks through the door cautiously and finally sits down* Hello.

LLM: Are you excited to have the great honor to be my first ever guest on my new radio show. 

Tara: Not really. Also, you know that Gem has these shows, too, right. 

LLM: Yes, I do. She was the person who gave me this lovely idea. While we are on that subject… *Flips notecard* I would love to give a big thanks to GEMHeart. Without you this show would not exist.

T: You sound like you are talking to someone. 

LLM: I am. I am talking to all of our big audience or at least I hope so.

T: You didn’t tell me we were getting recorded. *looks nervous* I wouldn’t have came.

LLM: Exactly why I didn’t. *leans back in chair* So since we don’t have any questions yet since this is our first bit let’s help them  get to know you. 

T: *looks very nervous* Oh, ok. 

T: So, um. My name is Tara Dartwood. LLM created my character very recently for Knight’s writing contest. Then, well, she decided to develop me more because I believe she really liked my character. 

LLM: Yup. You are actually a lot like me before I became less nervous around people. And, I guess I know all those people so that makes it easier. I am thinking I may write a longer KidzTalk story about your character. I have even started it. 

T: Yes. *really excited now* That is the only reason I know I am a Ravenclaw and that I get to have a friend and…

LLM: Tara! Stop! Don’t spoil it!

T: Sorry. 

LLM: I guess they did already know you were a Ravenclaw and it is a given that you would have friends. But, please no more. 

T: *gloomly* Oh fine. I don’t know much more anyway…

LLM: Well, I think we will cut to commercial. All you out there please comment with some really good questions and comments and I will share them with Tara. We are depending on you to help us make this interesting. And who knows, maybe a new guest will come in later. 

LLM: We may not have any questions yet but we have a comment.

T: *nervous* Is it about how bad I am at this because…

LLM: No it is a good comment. I wouldn’t share a bad one. 

T: *looks very relieved* Thanks goodness. 

LLM: KnightStar said that this is very cool and she likes you. 

T:*happily* nice to know someone likes my personality. I was worried that no one would. I was actually really worried that I would make a fool of myself.

LLM: You still have time to do that later. 

LLM: Okay, people. Please give us some good questions and comments. I have also decided that you can give us starter topics. You can even request dares of things for Tara to do and say or even sing. Nothing too embarrassing. 

LLM: *whispers* I don’t think she could handle that. 

T: *nervously* I heard that. 

LLM: Okay so I am afraid we have to cut to commercial. See y’all in a little bit. 

LLM: Something great has happened.

T: What?

LLM: We have a few new questions. First Gem sent us a recording. Here it is. 


G: Hey Tara. I hope you're liking the show! I have a few shows BUT my most recent one wasn't as popular... anyway! My question for you is if you have a crush on someone.


     P: *LEANS OVER TO GEM* …. that's mean.



LLM: If you have listened to Gem’s shows, you know that the Producer wasn’t being that fair because he does this to, Gem’s OC, Rin all the time. *leans way back in chair* So… What’s your answer. 

T: Umm… Well. I am still only eleven so… I ahh don’t think I am really old enough… And in the book I haven’t met any boys yet so… yeah. 

LLM: Oh okay. That’s for now though. He he he. You know that there is something coming in your life. 

LLM: *flips notecard* Well we have another question.

T: Who’s it from?

LLM: It is from a dear friend of mine in real life. I told them about this and they asked, “How do ya like your eggs?” 

T: Umm. I like my eggs anyway.

LLM: Well this is a strange friend of mine. They try to be funny alot. So, maybe say your fave for their sake. They asked me to make you choose.

T: Well, I guess hard boiled. 

LLM: Well, we also have a comment from another real life friend of mine. She says, “KILL MY SON says yellowfang”

T: *scared* Well okay. 

LLM: Nothing to be afraid of. It is I believe Warrior Cats. 

T: *still nervous* 

LLM: Luna also asked a few questions. First she asked if you like wolves. 

T: *excited* I love wolves. I am afraid of werewolves though. But wolves are such beautiful, intelligent animals.

LLM: She also asked for your favorite color?

T: I really just like sky blue. It reminds me that my life has no limits, just like the sky. 

LLM: very powerful. She also asks if you are a night person or a day person?

T: I like both. I don’t stay up all night, but I like the stars. 

LLM: Well let’s cut to commercial. Come on people ask some questions.

LLM: And we are back with more. 

T: Do we have more questions.

LLM: Tons. I gave a paper script of the show to my friend and she gave us TONS. First though, we have another great recording from Gemmy. Here we go…

G: Hm... Okay! More questions? Let's seeeeeee, how do you like your meat? Rare, well-done, etc- Or are you vegan? And do you like to dab? *DABS* Oh! Oh!!!! How about Asia? Whatcha think about her?!

LLM: So, Tara tell us…

T: Well, I am not vegan, but I am a vegetarian. I dd\id eat meat when I was really little. I ahh don’t know what a dab is though. 

LLM: This *Dabs* It is a dance from a kinda violent game called Fortnite. You wouldn’t know about it.

T: I don’t like to dab then. I like Asia. I think we would have been good friends if we were from the same time. 

LLM: Good to know. Well next we have Emely’s question. “What’s your style?” 

T: Ummm…. I don’t really know many… Probably casual or I don’t know. I don’t care too much about clothes. 

LLM: That’s what you say…

T: Well what’s the next question?

LLM: Well we have my friends. We are going to have to take them one at a time. Okay. The first one is *flips notecard*, “Where do you live?” 

T: I live at Hogwarts for school of course. Other wise I live in Bristol, England. 

LLM: Cool. Okay. “”Do you like potatoes or hamburgers?” 

T: I like potatoes. I don’t like burgers because I am a vegetarian though. I don’t like to have animals die for me to eat. 

LLM: Good to know. I feel he same but I COULD NEVER NOT EAT STEAKS. I always feel so bad though. I try to pray for the cow and hope it had a good life. 

T: At least you try. I haven’t ate meat forever so I can’t miss it.

LLM: Lucky… Well next question. “What books do you read?” 

T: *really excited* I like a lot of Muggle books because I used to be one of them. I can’t list them all though. I also love many magic books. I love to go to the Hogwarts library. I love Fantastic Beasts and so many more.

LLM: Could you suggest any?

T: I don’t know. Just try to read them all!

LLM: “Do you have a pet?” I give you premission to spoil the story on this one. 

T: *even more excited* I have a kitten. When I went to Diagon Alley my parents bought me her. She is just a little baby. So sweet. I haven’t figured out if she is magically yet, Maybe her magic is cuteness. I named her Rowena after Rowena Ravenclaw because she seems smart. I call her Rena for short. I. Just. Love. Her.

LLM: *smiling* Great to know you have a fluffy friend. Everyone needs one. My friend also asks, “Do you have any siblings?” 

T: I don’t. I am proud to be an only child. I am glad I don’t because I wouldn’t have my parents full attention if I did and one of them could have been a muggle. *shivers*

LLM: I am glad you are happy about that. Well, our last question is, “What do you look like?” Tara, how would you describe yourself?

T: I have long hair. It varies in color from gold to dark brown. Some may say I have highlights. I have really dark brown eyes, Light pink skin. I should mention that my hair falls over one eye. I pin it away from the other. I usually wear my Ravenclaw uniform. 

LLM: Well, Tara I hope we can get some more questions. Don’t you? I want my first show to be a big success. 

T: Me too. 

LLM: Please give us some great questions to start off after the commercial break. Bye!

T: *waves* Good bye!


LLM: And we are back with a few more questions. 

T: What are they?

LLM: Okay so ArtistGirl from KidzNet says, “I have some questions... what’s her favourite animal, favourite school subject, and favourite season?”

T: My favorite animal… That’s a hard one. I really just love all animals. My favorite Hogwarts subject is Charms. My favorite Muggle subject is English. I love all the seasons and can’t pick. 

LLM: Okey, Dokie. Next we have a recording from KnightStar. 

K: So, what is your house and do you like your house? *stares at Lucas considering I regret putting him in Slytherin.* Is your house right for you??

T: I am a Ravenclaw. I love my house. I think it is right for me even if I am not the smartest. 


T: *blushes* Well I am not the smartest though. 

LLM: *rolls eyes* no one is the smartest. But you are really smart. 

T: *blushes even more* Yeah. But…

LLM: We should stop this conversation. It could go on forever…

T: You’re right. 

LLM: Well, I think we are going to end this segment. Segment two will start as soon as we get some questions. Any will do. Even math problems and other school questions for Tara. Well, see ya all in the next segment. Bye!

T: Good Bye!



Second Segment 

Help us get it started by asking some questions!

 LLM: And we are back with tons of questions. I have been too busy to update sorry… But we can start this Segment off strong! 

T: I am glad!

LLM: First questions is from my cousin! She says, “Tara, what’s your favorite food and favorite activity?”

T: I can’t choose a favorite food or activity! It is just to hard. I like so many things. 

LLM: Ugh… Fine. We have a recording from the studio of the lovely GemHeart.

G: You are very humble... unlike some people I know. *STARES FIXEDLY AT THE PRODUCER* Anyway, so nice to know we have another radio show going on!!! My question is as followed: how would you react if someone just dumped you into the CoWR universe? And how would you feel if you were surrounded by my colorful group of OCs (namely Black Cat, Asia, Goldicat, and Rinji)? How would you feel about them, and which would you like the most?

P: ... Can I ask something?

G: NO!!!!

LLM: So Tara tell us…

T: In the CoWR I would probably scared to death and also intrigued. With your OCs I would probably get along with most of them and be afraid of a few…. 

LLM: Good to know… Hehehe. Next we have a recording sent to us by the Producer of Gem’s show. 

P: I wanna ask something before Gem cuts me off. SO, WHAT DO YA THINK ABOUT RINJI AND TOSHIRO--

G: *CUTS HIM OFF* Ask a sane question!

P: Fine.. *GEEZ* What do you think about Harry Potter? What about Fred and George? What about Luna?! *STARTS BABBLING NON-STOP*

T: I don’t know what to think yet but thanks for the effort. I think me and the Producer might get along. *winks* Does your show have a Producer, LLM.

LLM: Yes, me. Okay next is from OpalGemStar. “Great show! It’s OpalGemStar. Heard of me? Well, I’m about to release a talk show for my future OC, Aurora Pennywater. Any thoughts, Tara?”

T: Not really. It sounds cool though! I would like to learn more about her. 

LLM: Well I believe that is all but maybe we should talk a little. 

T: Okay. So how is work on my story going?

LLM: Okay I guess. I am mostly brainstorming on characters. I am creating your friends at the moment. 


LLM: Now you just sound sad. I am also working on a weird and I mean it, fanfic with my friend about Fairy Tale Reform School(FTRS) and Royal Academy Rebels (RAR). 

T: Oooo Can I read it! 

LLM: Yes but you have been warned. I just finished the second book of RAR! It was soooooooooooooooooooo good. I think there may be a FTRS and RAR cross over. 

T: Cool! On a scale from one to ten, ten being the highest, what would you rate these books. 

LLM: 7. 

T: Would you recommend them?

LLM: Yes! 

T: How’s school?

LLM: Okay, I guess. 

T: Do you have a crush?

LLM: *angry* No I do not! All the boys in my class are idiots! And I see what you are doing!

T: *innocently* What?

LLM: *even angrier* You are trying to get stuff out of me! I AM THE ONE INTERVIEWING YOU!! 

T: *cries* I am sooooo sorry…

LLM: *calm now* It’s fine. I was just kidding. 

T: That was mean. 

LLM: I am sorry that wasn’t like me. 

T: I forgive you. You are the reason I exist. 

LLM: We need more questions don’t we. 

T: Yes we do. 

LLM: Ask more questions please everyone! We are going to cut to commercial!


LLM: And we are back… without anymore questions… we really need some people. Please ask some. Well let’s just talk. 

T: About what?

LLM: About anything. 

T: Okay, so are you writing my book?

LLM: No. I currently have writer’s block. AKA I am writing FTRS and RAR fanfic… HEHEHE. Jack, you know the beanstalk boy, has a lot coming at him...

T: Oh… Tell me about your book then.

LLM: Well they all fall from the fairy tale world to a yacht in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Go to California… Eventually will meet me and my friends. There is romance… They see Rapunzel and she has a bob with purple tips…

T: Wait, what?

LLM: Rapunzel has a bob.


LLM: My idea not my friends. 

T: Okay. WOW. JUST, WOW!

LLM: I am going to look up a list of interview questions to ask you… AND I MEAN JOB INTERVIEW! *pulls out phone and starts searching the web*


LLM: How did you hear about this position?

T: Well being your main OC you made me come on your interview show. 

LLM: What do you know about this company?

T: That it is a small business ran by you.

LLM: Why do you want this job?

T: I don’t know. I kind of need the public speaking practice.

LLM: Why should we hire you?

T: I don’t know. I am dependable, smart, I guess. What do you want me to say?

LLM:What are your greatest professional strengths?

T: I guess I am hardworking and smartish.


T: I said smartish. 


T: I guess…

LLM: What is your greatest weakness?

T: My shyness. 

LLM: Ooooo. I know something that could help with that. *whispers into mic so Tara can’t hear* Everyone come up with at least one ship with her in it. HEHEHE

T: What?

LLM: What is your greatest professional achievement?

T: Idk. I haven’t ever had a job…

LLM: Based off this interview… I WOULD MOST LIKELY NOT HIRE…

T: Me. 

LLM: Yup… You may be smart but you are shy… and you are a twelve year old girl…

T: Yup.

LLM: Well we have a recording from Gem's studio. Here we go. 

P: A SHIP?!??! AHAHAHHA! I ship you with..... TOBY CAIM!
G: THAT'S MY CHARACTER! AND HE'S MUCH YOUNGER THAN TARA! She was born in 1981, Toby was born 1998! GEEZ, PRODUCER!
P: Huhhhh, how about George? Even though he marries Angelina?
G: IDK. How about another Weasley?
G: No time, I just sent the recording.

T: LLM... Why are they shipping me?

LLM: I have no clue.


LLM: Maybe. 


LLM: Relax.

T: Fine. 

LLM: We may not have questions but let's talk. 

T: Okay. 

LLM: Well I am rereading the Hunger Games. And decided you couldn't survive them.

T: Well your right. 

LLM: I also had an arguement with a boy today. I said I could survive the Hunger Games. I would hide in the trees. He said he would hide in a hole. The funny part is I don't know if he has even heard of the Hunger Games before. Maybe I will ask him. Also the other funny part is, Katniss did both of those things. 

T: Funny. I have never heard of it. 

LLM: You couldn't handle it. 

T: You are probably right. 

LLM: Anymore questions people? Actually we are going to end this segement and cut to commercial. Please ask more questions to help us with our final segement!

Third Segement

LLM: And we are back. NOW WITH MOLLY!!! Please give her a warm welcome! We will also be taking callers. 

(A/N Callers are not people on KT. They are fake. You can only submitt questions and recordings)

M (Molly): Woof. (hello)

LLM: You may want to know how I know what Molly is saying. Well it is through this great thing called KNOWING HOW TO SPEAK SHETLAND SHEEPDOG! But just to make things easier I will sometimes tell you but she also has a collar that voice overs what she is saying most of the tme. (aka what's in the ())

T: Hi, Molly!

M: *wags tail* Ruff Ruff (HELLO! HELLO!)

LLM: We don't have any questions but we will talk and take cal...

*phone ringng*

LLM: *presses call* Hello. LLM Studios. LLM speaking. How may I help you? You are on air.

C (caller): Hello! OMG! I have always wanted to be a caller on a radio show! THIS IS A DREAM COME TRUE!! 

LLM: Do you have a question for Tara. 

C: Yes. If your life was a book, what would the title be?

T: Well my life is a book so yeah. Maybe The Tara Chronicles. IDK

LLM: The book is to be named how about?

C: Well that's all. Bye! *hangs up*

M: *none stop barking.* (translatar is confused)

LLM: Well I think we will wait for a few more questions.... this show is soon going to have to come to a close..

T: *sad* 

LLM: Don't worry. I bet you will be in one of my shows again. But for now, we need just a few more questions. Then we can leave on a high note. Oh... and we were just sent a recording from Gem. Perfect! 

Gem: Heyya! My question is, if you could look different, how would you look?
T: I don't know. Maybe more gold in my hair and long hair. 
M: I already have really long pretty fur. *shakes mane* 
LLM: Well I think that raps it up. We hope to have you as a guest again soon, Tara. 
T: Thanks! Bye! *walks out door* 
M: Bye! *follows*
LLM: *waves* Bye! See you at our next broadcast! 
Published by KidzSearch International Broadcating Network 
Recorded by LLM Studio
Hosted by LLM
Check out our sistering show 'The GH Type Show' 



by (165k points)
Does she like wolfies? What' her favorite color? Day person or night person?
by (3.1k points)
What is her style? :>
by (375k points)
Thanks to ya both
by (375k points)
I will update soon! I have just been too busy! Will this weekend!
by (165k points)
Awesome show, but isn't Fantastic Beasts by J.K.Rowling, aka, creator of HP? Hmm...
by (375k points)

8 Answers

+2 votes
by (350k points)
Best answer
G: Hey Tara. I hope you're liking the show! I have a few shows BUT my most recent one wasn't as popular... anyway! My question for you is if you have a crush on someone.



P: *LEANS OVER TO GEM* …. that's mean.

by (375k points)
I'll add it as a side blurb in it.
+1 vote

But she already killed her son...? (no spoilers)
+2 votes
by (375k points)
Sorry to answer my own question but are there anymore questions? I was going too end this soon but need a few more to make it count.
+2 votes
by (350k points)
P: A SHIP?!??! AHAHAHHA! I ship you with..... TOBY CAIM!


G: THAT'S MY CHARACTER! AND HE'S MUCH YOUNGER THAN TARA! She was born in 1981, Toby was born 1998! GEEZ, PRODUCER!


P: Huhhhh, how about George? Even though he marries Angelina?


G: IDK. How about another Weasley?



G: No time, I just sent the recording.
by (375k points)
Will update soon! If you think of any...
+2 votes
by (61.9k points)
Great show! It’s OpalGemStar. Heard of me? Well, I’m about to release a talk show for my future OC, Aurora Pennywater. Any thoughts, Tara?
by (375k points)
I will put this in my next update! :)
+2 votes
by (350k points)
G: You are very humble... unlike some people I know. *STARES FIXEDLY AT THE PRODUCER* Anyway, so nice to know we have another radio show going on!!! My question is as followed: how would you react if someone just dumped you into the CoWR universe? And how would you feel if you were surrounded by my colorful group of OCs (namely Black Cat, Asia, Goldicat, and Rinji)? How would you feel about them, and which would you like the most?

P: ... Can I ask something?

G: NO!!!!
by (375k points)
by (350k points)
(Okay! Here:)


P: I wanna ask something before Gem cuts me off. SO, WHAT DO YA THINK ABOUT RINJI AND TOSHIRO--

G: *CUTS HIM OFF* Ask a sane question!

P: Fine.. *GEEZ* What do you think about Harry Potter? What about Fred and George? What about Luna?! *STARTS BABBLING NON-STOP*
by (375k points)
Thanks! Will update soon! :)
+2 votes
by (350k points)

G: Hm... Okay! More questions? Let's seeeeeee, how do you like your meat? Rare, well-done, etc- Or are you vegan? And do you like to dab? *DABS* Oh! Oh!!!! How about Asia? Whatcha think about her?!


(LOL thanks for adding my question in!!!) 

by (375k points)
I'll add this in my next update

by (350k points)
NP! Tried to make it funny!
by (375k points)
I noticed Thanks. It is funny
+1 vote
by (415k points)
Very cool! I like her *leans back in chair* lol
by (375k points)
Do ya have any questions for her? And thanks. I am going to tell her ya like her and think this is cool. LOL. I am desperiate for things to say. LOL xD
by (415k points)


K: So, what is your house and do you like your house? *stares at Lucas considering I regret putting him in Slytherin.* Is your house right for you??


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