My friend and I had to pick tables for library class and the librarian insisted that we have 2 girls and 2 boys at each table. Of course, my friend pointed over to the table where my crush and his friend were sitting when I asked her what table she wanted to sit at. The tables were filling up fast so I just told myself to pull it together. We sat down across from them and said hi. A few weeks later, we had to print a list of books we'd checked out of the library so far. My crush was having trouble finding the site cause his computer was on low battery or something and his computer was really old. He asked ME to help him. So I got up out of my seat and went around to help him. Then, I started giggling. I started giggling and I couldn't stop. I just couldn't. Him and his friend were giving me weird looks like I was crazy and I turned to my and asked my friend to help between my million laughs. My friend was like, "Go away! I'm reading here!" I knew what she was doing. She was trying to look cool in front of her crush, who was my crush's best friend. I wouldn't talk to my crush for weeks after that. I thought he hated me. But he didn't. Recently we were both invited to a crazy awesome party at night, and acted like a whole new person towards me. Now he's in my class this year and who knows what's gonna happen?