+12 votes
in Other by (350k points)




-Likes and Dislikes (Food, People, Pop-Culture, Etc)



-Skills and Talents




NAME: Gemmalyn 

AGE: 15

BIRTHDAY: June 12th



Gemmalyn is a Fursona Kitten with hazel eyes and dark brown fur. Her pelt has a black patterning of faint stripes across everything except her belly. Her tail is bushy like a Maine Coon's. She is short and childlike in stature, and her eyes are wide and pretty. She has a faint Southern accent. 

Her clothes consist of faux-fur jackets, bootcut/straight ripped or normal jeans, and plaid long-sleeve shirts that cut of at the mid section and are tied at the bottom. She will wear ankle boots and converse when she has the mind to, but she usually walks barefoot. 



Gemmalyn has an overall sweet and caring personality, though she can be harsh or brazen at times. Her sense of humor is sarcasm. When confronted with hard situations, she can think fast and solve problems. She is socially awkward and is usually silent near people she does not know or know well. For those lucky enough to be her friend, she is a humorous, sweet, and fun individual. She likes to swim, despite being a cat.

She is not overly happy or goody-two-shoes. She is rarely serious, however. She almost always has a mischievous grin on her face, like an imp. She is extremely imaginative, but isn't good at making or inventing things. She is smart, but doesn't like school, and doesn't let insults hurt her. Some think of her as a bit eccentric or strange, even if she is mostly normal. She does have her quirks, though. 



Gemmalyn likes such food as: yakitori (Japanese chicken kabobs), Mexican food (mainly tacos), some Italian food (some sorts of pasta), and anything with meat in it. She doesn't like vegetables but will drink fruit smoothies. She is more of a consistency and taste-style eater (she judges food by its texture and taste), not its appearance or smell. 


Gemmalyn doesn't like people who are unknowingly ignorant, since she doesn't do well near stupid people. She likes people who get her pop-culture references and get her sense of humor. 


Gemmalyn is a lover of all things artistic. She enjoys comedy, action, fantasy, and psychological thriller/horror movies, She also enjoys reading books along the same lines, and likes comics and manga. She enjoys rock, alt. rock, alt., some pop, and country music. She doesn't like rom-com, drama, or mystery books, movies, or manga; she also does not like certain classical music or soft rock. 


She also doesn't like other things that don't come to mind immediately. And her list could get longer. But, alas, that is the same with what she likes. 



Gemmalyn is scared of  only a few things, which include: fear of heights, falling, enclosed spaces, and the fear of the pain of death. These rarely hinder her day to day life, but if she were to encounter any of these, she would act differently. 



Gemmalyn doesn't have many major aspirations at the moment, but she has had the typical ones: she once wanted to be an actor and singer. Her current goals and dreams aren't readily apparent as she attempts to find what she would like to do. 



Gemmalyn is a talented streetfighter (she had training when she was much younger), but never gets into fights on her own accord, only when threatened. She protects her friends from bullies. She is also artistic, and has a good singing voice and can play the electric and country guitar. She also likes to draw and considers this her greatest talent. However, she is too chicken to enter any contests with her artwork. Chicken!!!!!!!! 



Good friends with Nori (CoffeeCake's Fursona). 


Suggest anything you would like for this sheet, Coffee! And make your own below so we can compare and contrast our fursonas! Looking forward to seeing yours and everything!

Also, if you would like, we could create a story with our fursonas! ;) Just tell me some of your ideas and we could create a co-op ;D

(And to everyone else: if you make a fursona, add it in the answers! If you want yours to have a relationship {friend, sister, brother, etc, etc} please add that in your "RELATIONSHIP" box and I will add it to mine!)

NOTE: This sheet is based partly off me and partly off of an OC  character I created. 

by (153k points)

Here is Nori’s fullbody UwU 

I used a base lol

by (350k points)
Cool! I made a drawing of my girl too. It's not a ref sheet, but I'll do one and post it on Saturday!

2 Answers

0 votes
by (153k points)
Best answer
That’s really good, Gem! i really like the idea of a co-op.  I have another fursona, (yes you can have more than one) she is also a Manokit and her name is Wallaby, I’ll make a red sheet for her as soon as I get the chance.
0 votes
by (138k points)
Can you explain what a fursona is? I am not that good following trends and stuff, but it sounds super cool!
by (350k points)
A fursona is a representation of one self in the furry world! You basically make a furry character based on you!
by (153k points)
haha, it’s DEFINITELY not a trend. A fursona is basically a character that you invent that is a anthropomorphic animal usually with unrealistic colors. You can look at my fursona Nori that I posted on the comments.
by (138k points)

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