+21 votes
in January 27th, 2020 - Bonus Point Day by (345k points)
KidzTalk Points Day Question #5

Points: 25,000

Topic: Write an essay using 500 words or less on the best way to help save our planet, such as dealing with global warming and pollution.

Due: Jan 31, 2020

Best answer gets 25,000 points.
by (1.34m points)
lol I do too. I dream of getting #1 on the leaderboard. But I dream...
by (153k points)
You ARE gonna get there one day, Kitten! I BELIEVEEEE!
by (1.34m points)
by (138k points)
Who won?
by (284k points)
They havent decided yet
by (138k points)

7 Answers

+5 votes
by (1.34m points)
Best answer
How to save the earth

The earth is a jewel in space. From the lapping of the ocean waves to the deserts, full of surprises and full of beauty. From the arctic tundra to the Himalayan mountain range, Earth is perhaps the greatest planet in the universe. But our mother earth is under threat from, and from every angle. Tree cutters, Hunters, pollution, overpopulation, and global warming are monsters coming at earth from all sides. How can we save our mother of whom we have placed our reliance on for eons?

  Little things add up.
Little things add up in this world. If everyone picked up just one piece of litter, there would be over 300 million fewer pieces of trash that would otherwise go into our oceans, trash that would otherwise kill innocent animals, and get into our food. And if everyone picked up just 10 pieces of trash every day for a year, we would have saved billions and billions of tons of trash from corrupting our world.

Plant a tree
  Since 1800, we have cut own over 60% of our forests. We cut down 15 billion trees every year. By this rate, Projections estimate that the last tree will fall in 200 years. We cannot let this happen. One tree can absorb up to 48 pounds of carbon every year. Imagine if everyone planted just once tree. We would suck out over 336000000 pounds of carbon from the atmosphere and reduce the effects of global warming. Every Tree also pushes 200+ tons of water into the air during its lifetime. Without trees, the land would heat up and we would all perish.

Help The wolves
  Our little kidzsearch tradition is to spread awareness about wolves. But this applies to all animals. Originally the land was their home, and we took it from them without even saying thank you. Let’s say thanks to the animals and acknowledge their great role in the ecosystem of our planet. Post on the #HelpTheWolves group on kidznet.

You can do many things to help the earth. Of course, everyone in the world cannot plant a tree at the same time, but you can. Even one person can make a difference. Tell a friend and you can make double the impact. Our generation of kids are visionaries - we are the future, and it is our job to save mother earth.
by (31.8k points)
wow... Thats good
by (1.34m points)
by (284k points)
Wow i think you might win... XD
by (284k points)
You won!
by (138k points)
+3 votes
by (200 points)

In my opinion, the main cause of global warming is CO2 emissions. These are both car exhaust and industrial emissions, especially in developing countries.
There are many materials on the Internet devoted to this problem.



+4 votes
by (138k points)

Ways to help our planet!


You can only RECYCLE bottles, jugs, jars, Milk containers, soda containers, water bottles, salad dressings, cooking oil, yogurt containers, cottage cheese containers, etc. You can also get money by recycling water bottles and wine/glass bottles.


If you have any CLEANUPS near you go to them! There can be highway, beach, and more spaces that need cleaning. Don't LITTER to HELP the ENVIRONMENT! Also, don't use straws! There are MILLIONS of STRAWS in the OCEAN!


CARS make TONS of POLLUTION every DAY!!! It would help the environment TONS by using a BIKE or WALKING! YOUR FEET WON"T FALL OFF!



+4 votes
by (27.5k points)

There are many things we can do to help our beautiful planet Earth. I am going to list just a few

  1. Don't litter. Littering can kill animals. Animals eat rubbish thinking is good. They can choke or get poisonned by doing this. sad_smile
  2. Buy things with less packaging. Plastic takes one thousand years to decompose. That means when you send plastic to landfill it just sits there under the ground for 1000 years. 
  3. Recycle as much as you can.
  4. Walk more often. When you drive it puts out harmful gases. These make it harder for humans and animals to breathe.
  5. Plant more plants. This can help to clean up the air. On top of that you can grow herbs and veggies at home and don't have to drive all the way to the supermarket.
+4 votes
by (375k points)
Recycling: reusing things that have been used before.

Planting more trees: they clean earth's atmisphere and create oxygen.

Composting: giving thimgs back to earth.

Less air pollution from things that leave exhast in our air: cars, planes, trucks, etc.
+5 votes
by (5.1k points)
Turn on all your a/c appliances cuz global warming
by (284k points)
+5 votes
by (284k points)

easy ways to save our planet


Recycling is easy there are many articles on what you can and cannot recycle but this would certainly help!


When you litter it often gets into natural habitats and gets eaten by animals or kills plants or makes them sick sometimes or gets into he oceans certain estimates (that i may or may not agree with) say that "by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish!" so not littering will help!


Car's exhaust tends to make air quality bad and kills plants in many cases so try to drive cars least possible amount (you can still use cars cuz it is kinda necessary) but this would help!

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