+8 votes
in Personal by (82.8k points)
My sister lost her first tooth!!!! Finally!! She would never actually wiggle it, saying it hurt. By now, her other tooth had already grown in, so she doesn't have a gap. We were both going to wash our hands after dinner and my sister looked in the mirror and said, "My...tooth. I LOST MY TOOTH!!! and ran out of the bathroom shouting I LOST MY TOOTH!!!!!!! We couldn't find the tooth, so we concluded that when she said, "What's that hard thing?" while eating her sushi it was her tooth, and she just swallowed it. My mom was like, it'll be in your poop, and laughed! LOL!!

3 Answers

0 votes
by (1.34m points)
by (82.8k points)
I think you accidentally clicked on answer cause there's nothing.
by (1.34m points)
+1 vote
by (448k points)
+2 votes
by (138k points)
OMG!! HILARIOUS! I used to believe when I was little the the 'Tooth Fairy' "inspected" the teeth So when it would fall out, I would brush it by itself. I ended up losing my teeth down the drain a lot!
by (82.8k points)

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