+8 votes
in Other by (375k points)
I am tired today and working on a bunch of homework.... and history day. I plan to post a full update in the next few days.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (448k points)
Best answer

i sent an entry for every category for history day. my high-school doesn't have that many people doing history day so i might win most of the categories for district, some of the categories for county, and maybe one or two for state. i'm doing the same thing for stem expo, but i can only do 13 categories for district, and one for county, state and further. 


All STEM Expo Categories I've done

  • Animal Sciences (I studied earthworm diets and checked what the best diet for them are). 
  • Biological Sciences (I studied reaction times between people who played video games actively and people who didn't play video games or did them rarely). 
  • Behavioral and Social Sciences (I tested if location affects memory.) 
  • Chemistry (Alka-Seltzer) 
  • Computer Sciences (I made a robot that will advertise content automatically. This could be used if you have a business and you are trying to reach as many people as possible. I use image analysis, text analysis, psychological analysis, and more.) 
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences (I measured ionospheric pressure between the day and night). 
  • Environmental Sciences (I studied the soil and checked if there was a correlation between earthworm diets and the soil). 
  • Health Sciences (Taste Buds) 
  • Mathematical Sciences (We checked if there was a correlation between foul ball territory and batting averages in baseball.)
  • Physics (We checked if there was a correlation between SPH levels and blocking of ultraviolet rays). 
  • Plant Sciences (We checked what amount of water people should put into plants.) 
  • Science Inspired Art (We drew a picture of natural selection and evolution.) 
  • Science Creative Writing (We wrote a story about how we could possibly travel faster than the speed of light (using theoretical physics and molecular physics). 
All History Day Topics
a) Group Documentary and Individual Documentary
- Topics: Civil Rights Movement, Aviation
b) Exhibit
Topic (group): Women Breaking Barriers in Sports
Topic (individual): Breaking Barriers in Politics
c) Papers
Topic (group): Breaking the Stigma against LGBTQ Rights
Topic (individual): Native Americans and America Treaty 
d) Performance
Topic (group): Valentina Tereshkova's Journey to Space
Topic (individual): Marie Curie Breaking Barriers in Science
e) Websites
Topic (group): Aretha Franklin
Topic (individual): Junko Tabei climbing Mount Everest, breaking barriers


I'm really lucky to have a great group helping me out. 

I do most of the work, but if we need to get the work done quickly or I'm stuck on something, they will help me out. 

Took me about 350-400 hours to complete all of these projects. A little over a month was invested into these projects. (worked on projects from 3am-7am, 4pm-8pm, and some at school. 

also, good luck! 

by (375k points)
Good luck to you too

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