+6 votes
in Fiction by
Hey y'all! Imma write a short story once a week and if you like it, give it a thumbs up! If u have any questions ill answer them! Heres my first one:

P.S. I made these in 3rd grade but I changed them a tiny bit.

P.P.S I think my writing is pretty good so don't judge me.

     Once upon a time, there was an old man who lived in China. He was 69 years old and was a rice farmer who was very poor (as always). One day, a lost fairy stumbled into the farmers field. The fairy was 6 inches tall. The farmer found the fairy and brought her into his garden. He made a home for the fairy with leaves, sticks, and rocks. He even made a little couch for her! He put the little house in a safest away from the nasty flies. He went into his living room to decide what to do with the fairy. He could show her off at the market, keep her, or return her to her family (He has gone exploring and has found the fairy village). He decided to return the fairy after it was comfortable. He went to check on the fairy and saw she was awake. The fairy saw him and flew under the bed. "Come out little fairy! I won't hurt you. I just want to know your name and a few other things!" He told her. "I-I don't t-trust you!" she said in a scared voice. The rice farmer said back, "I promise with all my heart, I will not hurt you. I will return you when you are ready." The fairy looked into the old mans face and said "OK. I trust you. My name is Isabelle and I am a sky fairy. I got hit by a rock and fell. It had hit my leg so I can barely walk, stand, fly, or run!" The old man told her that he will help her heal in exchange for one wish. She agreed and the old man asked her this: " My wish is either to have a LOT of money or have a helper on the rice farm. Which should I ask for?" The fairy said that once he returned her she will grant his wish. And so she did.


Comment what you think the wish the fairy granted was.


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