+10 votes
in Debate by
Here in the UK there are laws restricting guns from being bought. Unless you have a license, you can’t legally own a gun. This means that gun violence rates in the UK are much lower than the US.

I think that guns in the US should be made illegal. Lots of people say, ‘How will we defend ourselves if they take away our guns?’ and the answer is simple - if you take away all the guns, there’s no need to defend yourself because all the other people don’t have any guns either.

What do you think? Tell me in the answers section and we can debate :)
Yes we will need to defend ourselves because there will be people who sneak guns so guns should not be illegal
yes bc theres like no place they are alowed
by (15.6k points)
yes they are eligal in the uk i think  i dunno but when i was there yes they were

but now that im in michigan they are NOT

16 Answers

0 votes
ago by (32.7k points)
I would say you need to be 21 and have a license to buy a gun, but that wouldn't work. I say this because that doesn't stop people under 21 getting a fake ID and buying alchohol, or going on websites, or places. 18 being the age of consent (at least here in California) doesn't stop people from being creepy to kids. Plus? Chances are people are going to deviate and still get a gun from Whereinthehecka. So no, we shouldn't ban guns. Also police need guns, and swats, and the FBI too, and other jobs I can't really think of right now. There's more reasons why we shouldn't, but this would be way long. In short, no. We shouldn't ban guns.
+1 vote
by (520k points)
Too many people abuse it. Even those who are authorized to have it for our protection, like officers or military. The use of it should at least be more heavily monitored and not just given to anyone. The person needs to prove themself in some way to let people know it is safe for them to carry it.
ago by (159k points)
I agree with your statement about people proving themselves, and I agree it should be monitored a bit more.


Why does everyone think every cop sees a black person and thinks “dang, I wanna shoot and kill that dude because he’s black?”

And why does everyone think that your average US Soldier sees an innocent civilian and thinks “dang, I wanna waste my entire mag on that child.”

It’s dumb.

A cop kills in self defense, the cop gets hated on.

A soldier even steps FOOT on foreign soil, apparently they’re blowing families to kingdom come.
ago by (520k points)
A lot of people want to have guns because it gives them a since of power and control. Humans get stupid when it comes to power and control a lot of times.

I'm not talking about the people who have good intentions, but many use it for the intimidation factor of "I could kill you right now if I wanted to without even having to come in contact with you. I could literally end your existence with a press of my finger. I can control you with this in mind."
+1 vote
by (105k points)
No, because then people will switch to bombs and nukes.
by (159k points)
chad answer.

some people have no sense of logic.
+2 votes
by (25.3k points)
Hopefully not.

US should keep the gun laws we have
by (159k points)
by (25.3k points)
+2 votes
by (159k points)
No. Not now, not ever.

The US gun laws are perfectly fine right now.

Full auto is not allowed unless you have like a class 4 license.

A regular AR-15 (without illegal/special mods) is not an assault rifle; anyone who says it is has no knowledge about guns.

An assault rifle is a rifle that can be fired in both semi and full auto (including 3 round, 4 round burst).

An AK-47 is an assault rifle.

I am fully willing to debate with anyone who disagrees.
ago by (81.8k points)
I fully agree
+1 vote
by (155k points)
No but they should be banned from you if you have misused guns like 3 times or something
by (81.8k points)
I think it should be the first time
ago by (155k points)
Yeah, I agree, I was like 9 when I said thus bro
ago by (81.8k points)
Ohhh silly me not checking the date
+1 vote
by (340 points)
l believe guns should be forbidden.
+1 vote
by (947k points)
yes they should be banned for world peace
by (165k points)
1. Guns cannot legally be taken away, Second Amendment.

2. Humans are too greedy and hateful, world peace ain't gonna happen while humans are still here. Trust me.

3. Do you think that murderers and criminals won't just use the black market or other underground ways of obtaining guns in order to continue doing what they're already doing? And your average citizen will be defenseless against the murderer in his/her home.
Exactly what Luna said
by (947k points)
Well they can just arrest all the current murderers
by (165k points)
Elo, there are thousands of murder cases that have stumped the police for years. They are called cold cases, where the police gave up and the murderers are still out there. They can't just catch them, they don't know who they are or do but don't have proof. There are thousands of uncaught murders- and far worse people- that still rome around and have never and probably will never be caught.
by (947k points)
Well they can build a robot that tracks criminals and arrest them
by (165k points)
Elo... I'm gonna guess that you are extremely sheltered. If there were technology capable of tracking and arresting criminals, then it would have already been made. There is no way of coding any type of machine to track bad people and arrest them, if there was, police would not exist, heck, the government might not exist. There is no way to catch every single criminal in the world or even just the US. Besides that, things aren't always black and white. If there were technology capable, then who's to say that it would get it right in every circumstance? There are murderers who are only that because of self-defense. In court, if you testify self-defense and have evidence that it was, then it doesn't count as manslaughter. Besides, how would it tell that they were a criminal? Detectives have to use unreplicable brainpower just to figure out how a crime happened, who did it, and what evidence they have. There isn't a machine that can just scan you and say "Yup, you killed someone" because it's impossible to look at someone and be able to tell. Even lie detectors are faulty because some people are nervous just taking a lie detector test and some liars know how to lie right through the test without hesitation or an unsteady heartbeat.
by (1.34m points)
Elo is like 9 years old. Argue with someone your age, it's not fair to her.
by (155k points)
Luna I politely disagree when you said 'if there was tracking technology it would have already been made' there is technology being made. I mean how long did it take for people to invent cars or television?? Just saying we don't know what technology will be around by the time were grandparents or even parents
by (204k points)

Baby elo <3
by (947k points)
by (204k points)
by (947k points)
*summons Flash*

Yo Flash, can you give me a piggyback ride? I’m trying to outrun this random kid from Texas.
by (204k points)


I AM (enter my full name) 

by (159k points)

"well they can build a robot that tracks criminals and arrests them"


by (204k points)
Ikr? I almost sobbed at how cute that was-
by (947k points)
Okay, I’m just gonna look at shirtless pictures of Anthony Kiedis on my school computer while y’all comment on how “cute” and “innocent” I was.
by (204k points)
ago by (81.8k points)


ago by (947k points)
But the pictures aren’t from right NOW…
ago by (204k points)

“61 shades of jail” 


ago by (520k points)

ago by (947k points)
Welp, looks like my entire career is gone…
ago by (81.8k points)
Naur not Elo
+1 vote
No. We need guns for self-defence. For example lets say someone broke in your house, you would need something for self-defece
by (340 points)
+1 vote
by (1.34m points)
If people have a record of misusing firearms, they should be banned for those people. They shouldn't be banned entirely, we just need stricter gun control.
I agree with that
by (165k points)
Politely, I disagree. People make mistakes. If someone in their teens or early twenties misfired or got aggravated and therefore had a record of misusing firearms, but they've changed majorly and years later they feel threatened and want to buy a gun for protection, then that would be unfair. I think that their gun license should be taken temporarily and they should have to get a new one to purchase a gun.


Also, it's in the Bill of Rights, you cannot be prohibited from getting/using a firearm without a dang good reason, and history is not one of them unless you shot someone and are still in jail.
Makes sense I
I sound like I don't know what to believe about guns ,but I do. I believe guns should not be banned and that's where I stand.
by (1.34m points)
I don't really have a strong opinion about the matter
by (340 points)
Me too
by (947k points)
I agree

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