+7 votes
in LLM's Place by (375k points)

You have to be a registered KidzTalk user. This is what you have to do. 

1.Go to  https://sites.google.com/view/mollythesheltie/home

2. Go to the question and answer section. 

3. Submit a question. Make sure to also say your username 

4. Go to comments. Submit the google form. Make site to say your username. 

5. Read the rest of the site. 

6. Answer on this post. State that you did it. Write in complete sentences and at least one paragraph. Also say things you learned about Molly. 


Due date: 15 April (aka tomorrow)

Winner: Person who does all of this. And has in my opinion the best grammar and answer to this question. 

Prize: shout out and best answer on both 

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (153k points)
Best answer
Hi, it’s me, Lemony! I did your challenge, not for the best answer but because I thought that it’d be fun. Your website is really cute, it looks like you put a lot of thought and time into it. I submitted both a comment and a question, and I’ll be sure to be on the lookout for the answer! I learned that Molly’s bunny sister has been in the family for longer than Molly, that Molly sometimes gets nervous when her dad makes loud noises, and that she loves to roughhouse and play with her girl. :)
+1 vote
by (415k points)
Ok I will check it out when I have the chance :D
+1 vote
by (95.3k points)
I entered a question. I originally did not put my username so I entered it again, if that’s ok with you. I learned that Molly is the cutest Molly the Sheltie on the internet and that she loves to play with her “girl”. Her girl must be the best if she made a blog and a google site for her! I hope you upload more pics of Molly soon.


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