+15 votes
in Personal by (12.9k points)

Before you read this, if I get anything that is basically "You're stupid for not believing in God" or something I will hide this post. Same if this starts turning into an argument. This is all my opinion, you do not have to believe it nor do I ask you to. Some people believe in different stuff than me and that is fine, i don't care, but no arguments. Thank you for reading this disclaimer.


There are a few reasons I do not believe in God. First, it seems very manmade, the idea of a religion, that there is someone who controls everything all the time, who created everything all on their own, it just doesnt seem right to me. And I know this is gonna get replies like "Well, if there was everything good than we wouldn't appreciate it because we wouldn't know what bad is" but there is a limit to that. I think of that part like a scale, on one side there is good and the other is bad, and when it is balanced, that is the way things should be, but instead some people get the scale tipped either against them or in their favor, and I do not think anyone deserves either but yet it still happens. And if there is a God, i just don't get why He would make a lot of things real. And if he did indeed create everything, he messed up big time with humans why is there stuff that is so bad to do? If He created everything He would have created that too wouldn't He? Another thing not necessarily part of this, how come it is a He? How come it couldn't be a She? lol

Look I believe  in god and nothing will change that but I respect all opinions as it is kind and nice. I think your opinion may make sense to others but not to me but thanks for sharing your opinion.


-safe regards, from tobi
God is REAL.

That's that.
Thanks for having you on my side! My GF believes in God so yeah. TY!
She should, she has sence.

24 Answers

+4 votes
by (415k points)
Best answer

I think how you see it is very reasonable. God is a person, not a human, a person. He feels anger, sadness, etc but much different to us humans. Though, His anger is different from our own. He doesn't create terrible things in hate to us, He loves us, but like a Father patience runs out. And like a Father, whatever we do, He will always love us.

Satan was once an Angel, but Satan wanted God's powers so God banished him to Hell. Satan is not the ruler of Hell, he is in it like every other person burning in the flames of Hell. To me, we are the ones who created evil, because even though the idea was laid out, we led ourselves to it. 

I get what you mean on religion feeling man made, because that's how I feel about other religions (though, I respect all religions, every since once of them other than Christianity seems so man-like, not from their "God" because it seems that their "God" does not have nature obeying them, and their "God" seems unclear or have no intentions.) 

Anyways, there is one lie by Satan and it is the most famous lie. I'm sure anyone has heard this before, "If God is real, why does he allow me to suffer?"

Away from that, us as people (human beings) have a consciousness that indeed tells us what is wrong and what is not. This was made in God's image, our minds for that matter. Ask yourself, why haven't you killed yet, what is stopping you from it? Why haven't you stole yet, what is stopping you from it? What is the point of holding yourself back from these things? Now, you may respond with, "I'll go to jail." But, if you have the chance to not get caught, would you still do it?

Well, I'm hoping your answer was no. Because you'd be weighed down by it, you'd feel this overwhelming feeling of darkness surround you. And maybe this little bit of laughter, not your own, it's a Demon's laugh. Because Demon's hate humans, they laugh at your sin, because behind your eyes and soul there is a demon lurking inside you, crawling deeper into your shell. 

But you have anger, right? Anger before even? But, this is a different anger, because this anger is your own. Anger at the demon's beautiful lies. You are a just a vessel to them, a puppet and nothing more. A vessel of a soldier, a weak soldier that had no hope in life but doing what they wanted (what they wanted was fake happiness, because they were blinded by the beauty of the rose that had thorns). So weak that it finds happiness in things that will last seconds, but will end in an eternity of pain. 

And the good? Heaven perhaps? Heaven was never found. Just a red, fiery pit of pain, depression and anger. Every little thing that this Earth posses of evil will be found there. Just as one. Think of it as the sun: a beautiful pit of fire that will burn you when you get their, but whilst on Earth as you look a far, it seems beautiful. Yet this "sun" does not give you light.

How do we know that Jesus was the son of God? Because God created nature, so nature is the only thing that truly obeys God. Jesus could heal the sick, walk on water, move mountains, raise the sea, he had it in his very hands. He could control these things to His wish. Because nature is the only thing that obeys our creator. Everything wind, every drop of rain was on God's command. Not our own, not as people. We are what destroyed humanity, not God. Us and the Devils. We destroyed the only creation God could have in his hands, that creation was our home. And even that we destroyed. 

Think of it as we led this pain to ourselves, and we were held responsible on judgment day for biting on the hand of our Father, our creator. Expecting nothing from it. 


That's how I see it, as a war between good & evil, Angels and devils. One side loves people, the other side fakes it's love only to blind them to turn their backs and reveal true hatred. Burning hatred, you could say. 

Anyways, nice views, good to see other views so here's mine :D 

(edited for grammar mistakes)

by (7.4k points)
See that is completely correct
by (165k points)
I understand what you are saying. Although just two parts I have to comment on-

One, "like a father, whatever we do, he will always love us" ... I'm sorry, i know this is serious, but I cracked up at this, you have heard me talk about my dad right? XD

Two, "'if God is real, why does he allow me to suffer?'" When I think of this, like I said, there has to be some bad in the world to appreciate the good. I would say I have that scale just about even, though there are people who don't deserve it tipped in their favor nor do others deserve it turned against them but yet still do.
by (415k points)
well, ya know, a fatherly figure sort haha. And yes, I agree. We have to have bad in the world to appreciate good. I used to ask myself that question, still do, but I have to learn from that.
well God  doesn't mean to hurt people he is just testing u
so how did u know all this prove me ur right

no one understands please why did u right this
I'm going to say this: Hate the world, do not love it as your brother, not as your father.
by (153k points)
um what??? Wdym by that? Even if you are atheist, it doesn’t mean that you have to hate the word of God, and please don’t try to force your opinions on others. Sorry to barge in on this but... why?
by (165k points)
For me, i have got nothing on anybody, yall others can be and do whatever ya want and that is fine with me.
you awsome that you would say that
by (3.1k points)

thanks, for working hard on typing that, for all of us to see.


God will still love us wven if we do something wrong.I wish Church was still going on. I don't get to go cuz of Covid-19
by (4.4k points)

     This is the way I know God is real. Creation. Scientists say that matter cannot be created or destroyed. Well, when you have the big bang theory, you can ask over and over where that beginning matter came from and that can never be answered, right? Stop there for a second. Scientists may say because God doesn't have a beginning that it sounds crazy, but the big bang doesn't have that answer either. One side has a solution, which is God creating the world, and the other one doesn't. If you don't believe in God, then I don't expect you to now believe in him. I expect some people will get angry with this for whatever reason. But I am supposed to at least try. The way I look at it is this... if God isn't real, I'm no better off then you. But if God is real, then you will have a lot of trouble one day.


T_Tif not for god i would have not been here.so i am really happy that he saves people emoticon-00100-smile!

It's true he did make the world.
God doesnt want to see you suffer you just havent asked for his help to over come. God does not create suffering the human race and satan does.
0 votes
by (159k points)

Ik this is old but I really wanna say this

“how come it is a He? How come it couldn't be a She?”

Its like asking why the sun is called sun and not daughter


I ges you could say it but that sounds rude. Lol
by (521k points)
Well, that isn't really comparing apples to apples, GC.

The sun is just the way it's spelled. It happens to sound exactly the same as son.

No one has answered why God has to be a male.
by (159k points)
I know you’re a buddhist, so I’ll put it like this:

It’s like someone asking you why Buddha is a man and not a girl.

Its stupid.

Its like asking why Harry Potter is a boy and not a girl.

The Bible says God is a he. The Harry Potter books and movies both state Harry is a he. The Tipitaka says Buddha is a he.

“WhY cOuLDn’T iT bE A ShE?”

Because, that’s how it is.

I’m just saying, why ask a question like that when the answer is clear?

Anyways, this was not meant to offend you or anyone else, I was simply trying to clarify my point.
by (521k points)
I understand. But who wrote the book and saw God to tell people that he was a male?
by (159k points)
God told multiple people throughout the course of history (in this case, 4000 BC-AD 100) to write the Bible.

Jesus is God, and Jesus was male at birth. That’s a simplified way of saying it.
0 votes


0 votes
by (156k points)
I once saw an angel before I went to bed!!! Not lying it was amazing!!! Wow
what did it look like?
0 votes

look at my name....

Yea pretty much :l 


Seriously? You think you're going to convince anyone God is real like that by being mean to them? This is not something to be proud of. God doesn't want us to do anything like that! I can't believe you can't keep your mouth shut! Even atheists know how to do that!
0 votes
I saw an angle one time before I went to bed.
by (156k points)
Same not lying!!!
+1 vote
by (81.8k points)
I respect your choice, I personally don't beleve in god but I go to church because I've had a lot of good exprenences there.
i hope you find God was in those experiences.
0 votes
by (13.0k points)
I personally don’t believe in god, and anyone who says “hide this post” or be quiet or this is rude, is being just the same. I have seen people say that not believing in god is rude and terrible, on this site. So if you are doing that, you are being just as “rude” saying god is “real”
God made us all think  about it
0 votes
by (540k points)
I agree with you100%
+1 vote
by (4.4k points)
God created the world, and Jesus ressurected from the dead. But, what relegion are you?

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