+15 votes
in Personal by (12.9k points)

Before you read this, if I get anything that is basically "You're stupid for not believing in God" or something I will hide this post. Same if this starts turning into an argument. This is all my opinion, you do not have to believe it nor do I ask you to. Some people believe in different stuff than me and that is fine, i don't care, but no arguments. Thank you for reading this disclaimer.


There are a few reasons I do not believe in God. First, it seems very manmade, the idea of a religion, that there is someone who controls everything all the time, who created everything all on their own, it just doesnt seem right to me. And I know this is gonna get replies like "Well, if there was everything good than we wouldn't appreciate it because we wouldn't know what bad is" but there is a limit to that. I think of that part like a scale, on one side there is good and the other is bad, and when it is balanced, that is the way things should be, but instead some people get the scale tipped either against them or in their favor, and I do not think anyone deserves either but yet it still happens. And if there is a God, i just don't get why He would make a lot of things real. And if he did indeed create everything, he messed up big time with humans why is there stuff that is so bad to do? If He created everything He would have created that too wouldn't He? Another thing not necessarily part of this, how come it is a He? How come it couldn't be a She? lol

Look I believe  in god and nothing will change that but I respect all opinions as it is kind and nice. I think your opinion may make sense to others but not to me but thanks for sharing your opinion.


-safe regards, from tobi
God is REAL.

That's that.
Thanks for having you on my side! My GF believes in God so yeah. TY!
She should, she has sence.

24 Answers

+1 vote
Oh really so that is ur opinion well listen up here let’s say how was the earth created,how did a human was born without nobody , ,how do the whethers change,how was everything created?, And how was the sun,moon,the whole space,stars,planets created?Do you have an answer to that NO,NO you don’t,And how do you think crazy Stuff happen all by it self,like tornado out of no where,tsunami,floods, you don’t have an answer to that do you?how do you think there is morning,night,light,dark,and again you don’t have a answer! SO WHEN you have an ACTUAL ANSWER we’ll talk!!!
+1 vote
One way to say the opposite is you would understand if you read the first at least the first chapter of the bible. (Not to argue)
+1 vote
All I am gonna say is that God made everything for a reason, and not to be rude but God wasn't made to be a girl or a boy he was made to be an God.
by (17.3k points)
you said he which is a term used for boy, so you should say "It"
Grim. The bible Refers to God as Father implying God is a boy
+1 vote
A question to those who believe in god: If god were real, why would evil exist? God could just "thanos-snap" and all bad would be exterminated.
by (165k points)
I don't believe in Christianity, but let me explain the answer similar to a yin-yang-

In order for a light to exist, you need darkness. Without one, there is not the other. In a yin-yang, the two halves represent balance, yin is dark, yang is light. If only yang, light, existed, then who would be to say what darkness is? Darkness would take on a new definition as anything less than good. Darkness will still be there, simply in a lesser form. Same if only darkness existed, a light would take on a new definition as anything better than bad, it would still be there. No matter what, both exist. Who knows? We could be living in that light world, and there could've been much worse things that we couldn't even imagine. Or, the opposite could be true. That's all I'm saying, good and evil aren't definite or finite, they are infinite. As long as there is one, there will always be the other.
God loves you get through your head !
+1 vote
In my opinion, I think that God is real, and the reason he doesn’t keep people from dying is because everyone has a reason they are on Earth and if you fulfill that reason, or your reason to be alive is to die to make others realize killing isn’t right, you well, either die or stay alive until natural death of age.


If this offends anyone, please let me know.
+1 vote
why dont u like god?! i luv him! he is the reason why we r here on earth!!!!
People can have their own opinions

Im catholic by the way
by (165k points)
News flash- Atheists and other religions exist. I don't believe in any form of Catholicism or Christianity. At the time of making their post, I was more atheist, while now I'm more Hellenist, which is Greek gods and goddesses as a religion.
If atheists didn't exist, I wouldn't exist!
You would be a different religion
First of all this nonsense you guys are guys are saying are just crazy. There is only one God. God the father God the son God the holy. Spirit all those godesss and gods you are all saying are little gods created by The actual God. And I read all the comments and the people who say they believe in God put his name little letter g while it's capital letter. I have been a worshiper of God since I was ever on earth (born), and if you read the Bible you will know that one day there will be a day that God will bring us in heaven or one place and say you guys are either going to hell or heaven. Adam and Eve are ancestors. And fun fact. If God was not real then who declared that the seventh day of the weak is going to be Sunday and church day....

Beilive in what you want or what soo creature or master you believe in.

All I know is that God is our father and ilove him.

If he said I should give everything up to be with him then  I would I love you so much God and don't forget
+1 vote
That is great that you have your own opinion, but some people can be very offended by this. Especially if you put it out with words like this. ( In other words, the way you put it in these paragraphs.)

        *** With all do respect,

by (12.9k points)
Thanks for being polite, unlike some people. I tried to express my opinion as politely as possible, I don't like arguments.

No problemo! After reading some of these posts (not saying names), I felt REALLY bad for you. Like... Yeah. You may hate the word God, or hate the world. Or you might have very strongly disagreed on Wolf's post. But I think that it was absolutely 100% unnecessary for those certain people who just had to say something so very wrong and rude and not keep their mouths closed. She was just trying to express her opinion. But the thing is, that she had trusted all of y'all to not be disrespectful and ignorant towards her and she had enough courage to tell you guys. And y'all blew it. 

         Thank you for your time.


But as Christians, aren't we supposed to go and tell?
0 votes
Yes that’s a very reasonable answer and it’s true that god is a he. Why can’t god be a she?
Because He was reffered to as in the Bible as "The Father", And in the Lord's Prayer, It said, "Our Father, who art in heaven" So, yeah, That's why he's depicted as a male.
0 votes
Please take this down! God has gotten my family though some hard times. Can you keep this to yourself next time. I'm not trying to be rude.
by (165k points)
I did not make this post to be rude or bash anyone's beliefs. This is merely my own. If God has helped you and your family, that is fine, i ve got nothing against ya. And to be fair, there isnt exactly a privacy setting on KT and you could have not read the post so...
0 votes
by (710 points)

how do u think u got into this world a gave birth to u angry_smile


by (165k points)
Uh, birds and the bees?

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