+7 votes
in Random Posts by
"I dOn'T CaRe iF lOt'S Of PeOpLe ArE DIEING! I wAnT tO wAlK iN a ReSTuRaUnT EvEn DoE DrIvE tHrU eXiStS!"

 "I don't care what you say, I'm seeing my friends and you can't stop me!"

 "Sheesh, masks are annoying, tho they keep the coronavirus I might have with me! I will take it off and kill people, cuz it annoys me!"

 "Kids need education, so we'll keep the schools up and threaten people's lives, tho homeschool exists."

" I'm an idiot who don't wash hands cuz I'm lazy! "

"Time to see my (beeping) Friends, tho video chat exists!"

 "Time to go out, but not because I need something, but because it's boring around here! Who cares if going out will make things longer! I need to go to the (beepin) park!"

 Idiots who say these things, and you KNOW who you are, go jump off a cliff. Your obviously trying to get yourself killed!

We live among idiots people.
by (790 points)

Unfortunately I live in a very small town not known to many people outside my country, but COVID has been easing so we're allowed to not wear our masks, unless you're in a hospital or public transportation. However if someone in the class catches COVID-19 then we have to wear a mask. I was informed that the United States is taking similar measures. And there's something called the pass sanitaire which allowed people to go to more places if you were vaccinated (e.g. you could eat out, you could take public transport, etc.) Unfortunately I don't have it because I heard that it's bad, although it was from an unreliable source. So hope this helps.

9 Answers

+1 vote
I am very sorry for you . May god give her peace..
+1 vote
by (957k points)
Online school exists.
+1 vote

Im so sorry! I hope you feel better soon! teeth_smile

Hay snickerdoodles left KT
+1 vote
Yeah, it's sad but it's true. People just don't seem to care. :(
Like I said, its basically trying to game end yourself and others.
+1 vote
Im sorry u lost a loved 1 but things happen for a reason and i am sure that this will all end soon


me in 2021: oh oh wow is this stuff still going on oh my wow
Everything happens for a reason in my eyes, but I still wanna call out idiots
+1 vote
How about we all keep our opinions to ourselves
It's not the point  let's keep all or thoughts feelings  and  Opinions to our self there is no need to go tell people to jump of a bridge it would be like me saying I don't like your disition so go dye this is all more dangerous to older people as well
by (1.34m points)
Hey that is not me!!
by (348k points)
We removed your username from the comment and are looking into how it was allowed, since the system should have blocked it because you are a registered user.
At least I didn't go outta my way to impersonate someone. And  if ur not wearing a mask it is technically giving ya a closer chance to dieing, so.... Also this is the ******* internet its made to spread opinions
+1 vote
The thing is, a lot of people I know at my Church, don't like wearing masks and only doing things in will groups, because they're not afraid of dying. I see where they're coming from, but they don't seem to understand that there are people who have health issues and could die, and they aren't Christians.
The thing is, Masks do not protect you.

They protect those aroung you.

They are not only risking themselves, but others.
+1 vote
by (153k points)
Um, I see your point. And it is idiotic and awful. But please don’t tell people to jump off a cliff.
I didn't mean it like that, but they sure are acting like they want too.
+3 votes
Out universe is made of protons, nuetons electrons and Morons.
by (40.3k points)
One upvote for snicker! Lol

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