+4 votes
in Other by
So I was preparing to shower, and I couldn't find a towel that my mom had not used since before she got her shingles, so I went to my parents' bedroom, and asked  my mom, "Do you know where I can find a towel? "

"On the washer and dryer," she said.

I looked in the middle of the washer and dryer, and I looked in the gigantic box on the dryer, and - huzzah (that means 'yay!')! I found a towel!

So I went back to the bathroom, and I wanted to take down my mom's towel and wash cloth and turbie twist, but I was afraid that she would give me chicken pox. I turned on the water, got in the shower, and I wanted to wash my body, but I didn't have any soap! I started crying and banging on the wall inside the shower, but she refused to come until she finally did! I told her that I couldn't use her soap, but she told me that I COULD use her soap. I washed my hair, too.

After I got out of the shower and dried myself and got dressed, my glasses were gone! I started to cry again. Until I finally found them! I put them on outside of the bathroom, because IN the bathroom, my glasses can get kinda foggy.
by (163k points)
That sounds pretty personal to me.

5 Answers

0 votes
0 votes
That must have been really bad… (very late)
0 votes
by (587k points)
Stop these posts.
she haz ben gon fur lon tiem
+2 votes
MY shower is always cold
+2 votes
by (1.35m points)
I think you're just trolli'n
by (82.8k points)
Yeah, I rlly think this needs to stop. Like, these are pretty personal posts that u shouldn’t share online. She’s annoying me.
by (36.2k points)
Yes, exactly. THIS. NEEDS. TO. STOP.
by (1.12m points)
Why are u attacking Jane she prob does not know any better
That was me 2 months ago... XD
by (1.35m points)
by (157k points)
Wait a sec AnimalCrossingFan used to be Jane?!?!!
by (1.35m points)
Stop necroposting
by (1.12m points)
Pumpkin, this “forum” is for all ages. Little kids who come here probably don’t know what necroposting means. Do that on another forum!
Let’s stop arguing
by (1.35m points)

Elo, kids also have something called the "internet".  They can look up the definition of necroposting on something called "google"huh

by (1.12m points)

i know the internet and google

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