+8 votes
in Other by
Almost every time the power goes out at night, I have to scream, and I don't know how long it's been going on for,  and I am so afraid of the dark! And I am a little blind in total darkness, like when I blink, and when I open my eyes, and can't see anything, I start screaming at the top of my lungs. And my mom or dad tries to calm me down.

8 Answers

+1 vote
by (541k points)
Sorry about the lateness.

You could get a lantern
+1 vote
Wow. Goofy Ah. Imagine being scared. Couldn’t be me.
+1 vote
Imagine when you get married!!! XD







+1 vote
by (949k points)
Read a bookm or do something under ur bed in the dark with a flashlight
If a monster was under his bed XDDD ( if they existed)
+1 vote
by (13.5k points)

Lol same I’ll be zzzAnd then I will wake up like i felt it the i scream

+1 vote
Dude its actually a reflex that gets better as you get older its normal its just more promenade in a lesser group of ppl it means your part of a minority
+2 votes
I’m 9 and I am terrified of the dark I have 10 nightlights
Bro that is  weird but understandable -emma
Same that is weird you can get blind

I would say 3 out of 10
bros 9
by (949k points)
You clearly haven’t read the fact that that was made in 2020. At the time this answer was posted, I was 8.

So it’s on YOU.
+1 vote
by (153k points)
Um, that probably just means you’re afraid of the dark! You’ll most likely grow out of it, but for now, try a night-light!

I'll never grow out of it!cry_smilescream-fearscream-fear

P.S.: I've been afraid of the dark since I was 8 or 9.

by (153k points)
It’ll be okay. Like I said, for now try a night-light. Preferably one with a “warm” glow instead of a “cool” one, it helps promote sleep.
I've heard of that before and it's much more complicated and extreme. There is a difference between common fears and phobias. and it's not something people just "grow out of" if you want to understand more look up 'nyctophobia'

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