+2 votes
in Other by

i saw earlier that Anonymous was saying to someone name prainker  some mean words so yea i think she or he should be ban for their  attitude im only a preteen i think people who bully should be ban and not have their rights!  people like he or her should be punished like a ban or somthin please talk to he or her they need to stop their attitude its very mean and forgive my manners i dont like people like that i dont like to be mean 

2 Answers

0 votes
no you have no rights to say that kind of hurtful things I've seen the post and I didn't get mad anonymous saying he is prainker maybe it was a prank. if you want to post something like this ask (prainker) if that was a prank or if it was true. then post this than the mistake will be checked and unapproved by the kids in KidzSearch
by (154k points)
no offense, but kidzsearch is moderated by adults.
I meant u guys
by (154k points)
ohhh, you meant flagged. We ourselves can’t unapprove them.
0 votes
by (14.5k points)
Anon is people who aren't registered and didn't put a nickname. So, lots of people are anon lol. everyone is anon..

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