+6 votes
in Writing Contests by
Hi everyone! I wanted to let you all know...

I am having an art contest!!! I will post the winners but other then that no prizes or anything (except seeing awesome art!) to the winners. I hope for at least 9 entries and depending on how many entries I get I’ll see how many winners I will post! Please look at the rules because if you don’t follow them I can’t say YOU won!


1. Must be summited by Halloween and the winners will be posted the day after!

2. Entries must have the title HeyRocketart! So I know to find it!

3. Must be physically drawn on paper (no Digital drawings please!)

4. Must be YOUR drawing (You all are so talented!)
Hi guys! Great art! I am thinking that instead of getting 9 entries I’ll go with 5 entries.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: The Judging will be done this week on Sunday November first 2020. That leaves you 5 DAYS left to create your art.

We need just one more entry! Also feel free to post anything right here in the answers as that is easier for me. If you already posted elsewhere in KS. That’s ok too! Also I’m sorry this was not clear right away, Halloween entries are even better! However I will take an entry about anything (appropriate)! It would be great to get that ONE LAST entry. So if you’re thinking about it go for it!

I hope to see your art soon!

Hey everyone we now have 4 entries! Great work! As you might know I will judge everything November first! A huge shout out to (these people submitted it before the due date)

Babbyboo (Thank you all for sorting this out)





I will update this as I see yours come on! Use this as a good resource to know I got yours! I have also been commenting on everybody’s telling them what I liked and nice job so use that as well!

just to ask what does TBD mean?

Hi Babbyboo! Yes, it is okay to find stuff and make it yourself. This is a little hectic with all this mess! Alright guys, please stop posting on this about Babbyboo like this. It is OKAY with me I want to make it clear that that is OKAY. Thank you for responding and you are still in the contest!


P.S TBD is to be determined but we solved it! hai

Hello Again everyone! Just another update!

Three more days until your art must be submitted. I have been getting some fabulous entries so nice work everyone! Another thing we have been having a few problems with coping work of the internet. Here are my rules, (yes, we have ways to find out you cheated) you may look at something of the internet and copy it to your best ability. But you certainly MAY NOT enter a photo of something directly from the internet. I’m sorry for all the craziness happening with all this! We have sorted some things out and I would like to be the one letting anyone know they did not do this right. I do very much appreciate your feedback like “I saw that online” but no things like “you cheated!” As that is not kind. I’m very happy for all you who have posted!

 VERY IMPORTANT: I’m thinking of doing the judging on Monday. That okay with you all?

Yes that’s perfect! Yay, I can’t wait!!!
yea its fine if you do it on monday thanks for sorting all that out!
Cool I love art!

10 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

 Hey Rocket Art!  This is my picture for the competition! I hope you like it. It’s a pic of a sunset on Halloween Eve! 

Una xx

Oh my gosh! Una that is beautiful! I really love the castle and big moon! Sooooo awesome!

I love that it is Halloween themed too! You are SO talented!

Nice work!

Cute pics I love all these!
0 votes

See rocketart

0 votes

My painting(not online)


Im sorry but it's not yours, i found this image online: https://pza420.bandcamp.com/track/100000-jpeg?hcb=1

by (40.2k points)
by (98.5k points)

That's a good painting

On google
by (86.0k points)

Wowww great job snatching a photo and pasting it. What were you trying to do?? Get approval from a community of five year olds?? We all have that muturity level

0 votes

you know MLO's artwork? well someone posted the same one on my art contest so i think it might be copied off the internet.... i think you will have to ask MLO.
Hi Babbyboo! Can you help me judge? Tell me what amount of points each art gets in the comments? Also thx for your comment. I saw that as well. Thanks for letting me know, as I well check it out, maybe the same person has 2 accounts? Thanks!

0 votes
by (3.9k points)
Hi Rocket,

Im trying to add a picture but for some reason it won't let me.

It just says that i haven't added a url?? Does anyone know how to post a picture?
by (348k points)

See our FAQ guide and see the section that talks about posting pictures (How do I upload an image or video in a post?).



Hi Cactus! I see KS has helped as well. You click the image icon then you see what you are seeing it says URL however you need to go to upload that’s a tab at the top. (You should see 4 tabs) then click chose file, select what you want ether my clicking the upload photo or take photo, then click send it to the server that will bring you to wear you select the image size. Then select ok once you make the size smaller. I recommend going with you width at 200 and height at 214 the rest is not needed so leave it blank. Once you are at the server and have adjusted the size go ahead and click the green ok button. Then it should (itself) upload on your comment! If anyone else has more comment!

Thanks for reaching out!



by (3.9k points)
Yes, that was helpful, but the image was too big. Do you know how to shrink a photo?

Hi cactus! Yes,

Like I said send it to the server. Theres should be 2 numbers they will randomly be there choosing the size. Again change those numbers to width: 200 then height should Automatically change to 214 (just adjust it and see how it works!)  but if it doesn’t don’t worry about it and change it yourself. Then click done and it should be there!

Hope this helped! 

P.S here is what I’m seeing below/what you should be seeing.


by (3.9k points)
It's still not working...sorry about this. ty for helping tho
Of course! No worries at all! You can always YouTube it if you need more help!
0 votes


hi this is my watercolour entry i hope you like it!

7,000+ Scary HD Halloween Images for Free - Pixabay

by (153k points)
I’m really sorry but i found that when searching for clipart, are you sure you did that yourself?
Hi Babbyboo! Great art! I love how there are lights on inside but the outside is dark! It really creates a spooky affect! Not to mention the witch flying by the full moon! The little black cat, fence and spider web are really great! I love your detail!

Nice work Babbyboo!

Thank you very much for posting that comment. I was looking for it as I saw your comment, however I had no luck finding the clip art. Could you please send the link to me?

Babbyboo, please respond soon telling me if this is actually done by YOU. Otherwise like I said I won’t post you as in the contest or as a winner. If this is a mix up please tell me as well.

Thank you,

this is really good artwork! well done babyboo!
hi rocketalien,
i think there has been a mix-up, you see, i found it online and  tried to copy it as best as i can, sorry if there was any confusion!


wondering  that is actually quite offensive; i can do that!

Hello Freebie,

What you said was quite offensive and mean. Please stop or me might need to report you to KS. I don’t want that to happen. You guys all have to be nice here about others art otherwise, I might not even do this! Babbyboo, I love your art and I think you are quite the talented artist! Nice job to everyone and nobody should EVER treat anyone else like that. Freebie, please stop.

0 votes
by (153k points)
I’m definitely gonna enter! It should be done tomorrow :3 Just curious, why no digital art? It’s basically the same except more portable and a better range of brushes and colors, also I can provide sketch and layer proof that I did it myself
Hi Lemony! Great! Can’t wait to see it! Tons of people (or aliens who knows?) have been just posting it here in the answers. You can do so as well, as it actually is easier then searching KS. If you have already posted it no worries! O understand why you guys would ask about digital art. I just wanted to start simple and so I found that one category might be easier for me. Next companion I would love to include digital drawings in the companion too!  :) RocketAlein (sorry for any inconvenience to everyone)
Hi Lemony! Did you post this today? Also if you posted it I haven’t seen it.... Just wanted to know in case you posted it and I missed it! If you wrote this today and it will be done tomorrow great! Sorry.

Thank you,

by (153k points)
So sorry!! Not finished, it’s taking longer than expected because I haven’t used colored pencils in a bit heh
Hi Lemony,

No worries!
0 votes
by (26.1k points)

One is the title and the others are the artwork. For the ones with the speech bubbles, as the photos are not clear enough to the writing, I will type in the text beneath them.





AH! That tree is going to fall on me!




Hi Ollie! Great work! I really like how you did the title too!

Thanks for your art!

0 votes
I will also consider entering, thanks for making a competition but one question, what do you have to draw?

Una xxx
Hey Una! You can totally draw anything! If you want Halloween themes will get you 2 extra points!
Ok thanks soo much!!

I’ll definitely enter

Una xx
+1 vote
by (3.9k points)
I will defiantly consider entering!
Same!!!! So excited!!
Yay! I’m hoping to see your awesome art!!!
by (26.1k points)
I think you mean definitely which mean you will, defiantly means in a manner that shows open resistance or bold disobedience.
by (3.9k points)
Oh, thanks.Yes, I meant definitely.

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