+13 votes
in Girls' Advice Column by

Hey!! Had a few questions for ya...

Boys, don’t read any further. It’s gonna be graphic. Yeah, it’s about the b-word. Boobs. So, stop now and thank me later.

K. So now that we got rid of the creeps, my 4 questions:

1) I have budding breasts. I am 10 y.o. You know, that uncomfortable stage right after flatness where they jiggle and hurt at every little thing. You aren’t there yet? Oh, it’s fun. *sarcasm alert*

2) So many of my friends already got their period and I WANT TO HAVE IT SOON. And no, don’t answer this with a “oh, you don’t want it.” Or, “everyone grows at their own pace.” I just feel kinda left out and I REALLY want to grow.

3) I’m sorta getting curious bout babies...

4) Uh... boys. Like I mentioned before, I’m TEN. Yet I have so many crushes! Is it normal?? My mom started getting her first crushes at like 15, and my dad, well, I don’t really know about him. My mom also told me that I shouldn’t start dating and liking boys until I’m about 12/13 (she was apparently a late bloomer) but I think that I just have those fun, raging hormones that make you have those absolutely great (sarcasm, remember?) mood swings and huge crushes.

Thanks, girls! Boys, I’m disappointed in you guys. I told you not to read this. That might have just changed my mind in y’all. See ya.



Dear Nora,

I  stumbled on to your post while searching for fun and interesting sites my 10 year old daughter could check out during her breaks from "at home" school work. Since she's approximately the same age, I decided to read your post out of curiosity. Knowing what concerns a 9 or 10 year old is important for Moms to know.

Anyway, I thought it would be benefit to you or other young girls to hear from a Mom other than your own Mom. You should understand that advice given to you from any Mom usually comes from mistakes made and lessons that they have had learned themselves from the experiences in their own lives. Know that Moms are always giving the advice in order to protect you from harm and making poor life decisions.

In your tweens and upper teen years, the decisions that you make could decide the direction your life takes. For example, if you someday might like to be a famous singer, dancer, musician or other type of performer then starting practice of it when your ten (or sooner) will give you a greater chance of success when you become an adult. When your an adult on your own, showing the world who you are. You might hear when watching a famous actress or singer being interviewed on TV say, "I started dancing when I was 10!"

If you do some research online and find the biography of any of your favorite famous female celebrities, more often you will learn that most of them did NOT have children until after they became successful. Meaning...NOT while they were in their teens or twenties.  Those are the years they were dedicating their time to improving themselves with education and/or training in the area they desire to gain success.

You will never see a woman being interviewed on TV for being a Mother. Mom's, unfortunately do not get the recognition and appreciation they deserve. I know this personally.

You probably think that having a baby is terrific. However, the commitment of taking care of a human... FOREVER is life altering experience. It creates limitations.

You should be aware (at 10 years old) that once you becomes a Parent that YOUR own life, the dreams and other things YOU want become second on the list of priorities. They sometimes even disappear. As a parent you must make decisions that support the needs of your new child. When your child is young they require your attention and care all the time. You can not rely on ANY one else to assist you. Sure, you may have some help from Grandma, Grandpa, the baby's Father or a friend BUT, if none of them are around, it's ONLY YOU to care for this human being. EVERY choice you make effects that child's life and having the child will limit what you can do, where you live, what job you can get and if you can get an education.

If you have any interest in gaining success in your life as a Restaurant owner, an Actor, a Dancer, a Singer, a Doctor, a Lawyer, a Scientist, or anything other than Mother then you should ignore having a "boyfriend" and instead just be a friend. Holding hands, kissing and other touching eventually leads to making babies later in the relationship.

A lot of women want only to be a Mother and there isn't anything wrong with that. However, many of them were never given the opportunities when they were young to be anything else but a Mother. Sure they love being a Mom, as do I. But, if they had a choice most women would say that they like to have become a Fashion Designer, a Dancer, or own a Bakery before becoming a Mom. They wished they had first pursued their dreams.

Women who became Moms before trying to do anything else never get to see their full potential met. If, when 10 years old, they continued to developed their natural talents, creative skills or build their mind intellectually they might have become the Supreme Ballerina, a famous Singer, a Nobel Prize Winning Scientist, a Federal Supreme Court Judge or even the President. If girls (and boys) do not focus on getting the best education and developing their natural talents then our world might not find the cure for cancer or disease, or the invention of a clean burning source of power, have a new way to travel (flying cars?) or discover other magnificent ideas which improve our world in a harmonious way. EVERY person must try. Give the world a chance to find out what you have to offer it.

In the United States, an education is free to you. Even the cost of some college is free. In the U.S.A. a girl has freedom to choose. YOU will become a woman and will have a choice to live your life ANY way YOU desire. Don't allow any one PUSH you in to a direction that doesn't make your heart sing. Give yourself time to find your own purpose.

Yes, I know babies are soooo adorable, and fun and huggable! BUT, being the full-time owner of a baby is NOT easy. If you have the desire to be around babies then be a baby-sitter, or do part-time help at a Child Day Care. Give yourself a chance to TRY OUT being a Mom before actually becoming one.

Personally, I waited to have a child much later in life. I was 40 years old. But I do NOT regret waiting. When I was in my twenties, I took my time to figure I wanted to do for a job by taking a lot of fun interesting class at the local Junior College. Then I focused on one career, earned a 2-yr degree, then pursued jobs in that industry. I had my own money and freedom to travel, go to parties, and do whatever I wanted, ANY time I wanted and it was amazing.  In my thirties I changed my career path to pursue art and teaching. Once I had things set up, doing what my heart desires, working for myself as an Artist and planted my feet in a small city I love, Then, I decided to have a baby. It may have taken me longer than most other women but, now I have many life experiences that I can pass on to her.

So unless you have a terrific supportive family or a loyal supportive Father (of your child) then, I strongly suggest you WAIT until your late 20's or early 30's.

Whenever making a life-changing decision, please be certain that you TRY OUT that something before committing to it. And, the decision should be YOUR IDEA, YOUR DESIRE, something YOU want. NOT be an idea or desire of someone else pushing on to you. I don't care if it's your Mother, your Father, or your best friend, YOU should make the choices that effect your life. I might take you 10 years to find what makes your heart sing but, give yourself plenty of time to decide. Don't let anyone rush you. While you are a tween, just practice hard at whatever it is you're already good at or try on many different things to explore your choices. And remember, it's never too late to learn something new, go to college, or start your own business even if you do first become a Mom. There is plenty of time to become a Mom, I suggest first explore who you are and who you might become! Here is a link to a list of videos of very inspirational women.



~ DayLightFullDay

A loving Mom (of a 10 yr old girl)
by (350k points)
Hi DayLightFullDay. This is amazing advice, thanks for sharing it! :)
Thank you so much! I do have big dreams (Olympic gymnast, doctor, maybe actress or singer lol) but I also really want to be a mom. I am the kind of girl who loves challenges and never, ever backs down from one. I literally have a life plan (I’m 11, so it might change heh):

Finish school

Become Olympic gymnast

Go to UCLA, do gymnastics there, study medicine

Become a doctor

Get married

Have 3 children

Work hard whole life

Die in peace

 So great advice, tysm!


by (165k points)
Technically, KS never said it was a kid-only website, and you need your parents' email to register anyway. It's fine if parents want to check out the content before approving. Anyway, I find that advice good as well. Personally, I have no current interest in relationships (I'm 13), and I couldn't have a child besides adoption anyway (homodemisexual). But I have been drawing since I was 11, and I would like to pursue a career as an artist myself, manga or comics is my goal. I will probably take advanced art and creative writing in HS, along with other electives that will help me to the path I want, go to a college, major in art, minor in psychology, learn a trade, and I will try pursuing art as a career, although I will try getting a job as a therapist while I am pursuing art since I've heard art is a hard career to follow, being a psychiatrist is more stable. If I can't get a job as a therapist, I'll try getting a job for the trade I learned, however, I am still deciding what that will be. I've had that planned out for a while now. I would like to raise a kid someday, but I would make sure I'm financially and emotionally stable before adopting.
Dear anonymous:

You don’t have to be so rude she was just helping this ten year old girl who asked for help and it was very helpful. I was actually happy when I saw her message because it shows she is a very helpful mother.


                                  ok yeah the point is WHO CAN READ ALL OF THAT DAYLIGHTFULLDAY?
by (165k points)
All of the rest of the people who commented and then some.
how did daylightfullday type that much then?
by (165k points)
...? You asked who could read it, and I said all of the people who commented and some more who just scrolled through.
by (12.1k points)
That was very helpful,and its awesome that you took the time to write that wise advise.Thank you
trust me u dont want a period it is like totally annoying like if your in the car and it just happens gosh nooooooooo also totally normal to have crushes no dating tho
I have not had my period yet and i am ten your so called friends must be lying
okayansear 1 yes they are painful but if you wear bras put a tissue in if you do not tell your mom that you need a bra.

2 the period is kinda ,weird ask your mom to tell you about it and when you get it you can just tell her.  

3 okay ask your mother pls

4 yes  do not worry
ya she seems nice and fun but a looooooooong writer

HI Nora!!! :)

Don't worry it is totally fine to have a crush at 10 and 11. You are just an early bloomer!

This is advice from an early bloomer.

It is very rare for a 10 year old to have her period. Plus you DO NOT want your period. It is very embarassing!!!

Anyway, you should ask your mom for help (If you need it). I know its not always easy to, but if you want really good advice then you can ask her. Also, girls almost always get their periods around the time their mom gets it. I got it around the age my mom got it, so trust in this: If you are really curious then you can ask her when she started hers. If she says she got it at 10/11 then she probably did, same thing if she says it another way.

Don't be embarrased that you are a late bloomer or an early bloomer. Personally I got it really early, so know that either way it is embarrasing for everyone. Your friends probably told you they got their Period, because they were embarrased that they don't have it, or they could be telling the truth.

Either way hope this helped!!!

girl your literally 10 that is too young for a period and I'm 12 and I haven't got it
well i did and it was sortof boring but i was bored so i did so it is possible to read it -Emma
by (165k points)
UM I got mine at 11 soo.... it's not impossible but my twin still hasn't gotten her's and she is 12 almost 13

Hi Nora. I am the same age as you so am at the same stage. I have a load of crushes 2 so it is totally norm. I may or may not have one who is about 3 years older than me. This is serious so listen your friends will tease you no end about crushes so DON”T TELL ANYONE (apart from like your absolute bff.)



Witch Girl 23

by (165k points)
Yes I know I am one of those friends who teases you to no end!
great advice! also like the way you took on the babies question!
Do not talk about girls life and why are you saying periods are embarassing are you saying being a girl is wrong? I think this post is sending a bad message about our bodies. No offense.
Have not got mine and I am almost 13!
by (2.7k points)
Okay...The parents can be on here if they want. There is nothing saying "KIDS ONLY!" or something. This nice mom was giving great advice NOT to you! I would say that it was great advice and it would be amazing for more advice from parents from time to time on websites such as this. So don't worry about it if it wasn't directed to you. I am gonna be really cheesy but "treat others the way you wanna be treated!" Would you like a person to put in all caps and highlighted in red against some advice you gave just to help a younger person. I will answer for you, the answer is "NO"!!!! That mom was helping someone with their problems. So just keep the comments you know may hurt people in your head.

Okay...Hope this doesn't make you feel bad. <3 Just trying to make you see that it was just some advice. No need to take her down for that.
by (165k points)
Are your talking to me??
does that mean i am rare?  i have it and i am 9
Maybe? You can get it between ages 9-15, but it is a little rare to get it at 9.
by (111k points)
girl i feel u. I'm ten 2 and I just got breast buds 2. I only have one crush though. And also, I only had one period and its rly not that bad. But theres LOTS of blood. B rdy.
by (56.8k points)
U don’t wanna grow, trust me
by (56.8k points)
When do girls start getting a bigger chest? Is it a pain? And what's discharge? (

I'm Just a girl that stresses about this stuff)
by (450 points)
by (56.8k points)
Same, girl
by (3.6k points)
Discharge is white stuff that dries yellow in your pants. You get it a few years or so before u get ur period.
Listen girl, I’m 12 and I already have my period since last year and I have BIG b0obs… you don’t need to worry much abt big b0obies muvh it’s kinda normal but not.. yk? **** don’t worry trust me you will get your period soon and prepare. Because you never know at your age you can get yours so just have some prepared feminine stuff (pads) for future! Oh and panties. But don’t worry too much on b0obs yk, your mom can help u it’s normal :)
You don’t know about babies yet

[no hate]
Discharge is a white or clear substance the girls get down there and in there you get it in your underwear. It depends on your own body every one develops at a different time but a round number is 11,12,13

I am happy to help!?

20 Answers

0 votes
by (13.6k points)
Oh inky pinky ponky , oh daddy bought a donky, oh inky pinky ponky, oh daddy bought a donkey, donkey di3d daddy crieeeed (oh inky pinky ponkyyyy)
0 votes
by (84.0k points)
1. Yeah that stage hurts but it will be gone soon but when you are in that stage PLEASE WEAR A BRA (Too many girls don't and it looks REALLY inappropriate)

2. All I'm going to say is a period HURTS like 100x more than the  budding breasts

3. Ummm.... please no

4. GIRL having crushes is SO NORMAL but sometimes they can be mistaken as crushes

Love you hope you have a good day
+1 vote
"it’s about the b-word. Boobs."
ur more likely gonna get a boy to continue reading this than to scare them away.
by (26.1k points)
by (84.0k points)
WHOA you did not have to point that out...
by (26.1k points)
I'm pretty sure they did have to
by (84.0k points)
We all pretty much knew that though...
0 votes
by (3.6k points)
Yo! Justacatlover here! Well I can't really help u with the babies and boys bit bc I'm 10 too but interested in girls I think... It's confusing! I know this was sent in 2020 but..... Yeah. I want my period too.
+1 vote
by (159k points)
Finna flip a brick word to donda

Shout out

To obamba
by (137k points)
Bro, I was just going down your answers and this may be by far the most random XD
by (3.6k points)
0 votes
by (14.6k points)

I know you had 4 questions and I could answer all of them but I really want to answer these 2.

3 and four

The first one, 3, that is totes norm! I’m ten right now and I’m also interested in babies! Trust me. VERY INTERESTED!!!!!!!! Anywho… I know you are prob around 12 or 13 right now because this was from 2020. Buuuuuuuuut…

Then the second one #4


I was interested in boys at 6 or 7. Ten is DEF NORM!

Hope that helps even if you are fine now. lol

Plus #2.… I know you said don’t say this but, you REALLY don’t want it. I want it. But my mom keeps telling me it’s not to pleasant! Even though you prob have it by now.
Bro, i had a boyfriend at nine y.o and i told my mom and she tol me to break up with him. We liked eachother. Dont let people do that ever. Oh, and i was interested in this one kid at 5 years old. When i was invited to his party, oak harbor bounce in, i quietly sang to my self about my crush. Like, i didnt even like like him. He was just a HOTTIE

dont be fooled by looks
+2 votes
by (28.8k points)
about number two I was totally there with you the whole time I wanted it more than anything else on Earth Everyone told me I didn't want it and be horrible but I have it now and I don't hate it It's not that bad really and I don't see what they're talking about Its side effects come anyways I got mine at age 11 or 12 but you'll probably get here sooner I was a late bloomer but about the boys trust me they get GROSS quick I was boy crazy till 6th when I realized EW.
+3 votes
Don't worry,Nora. I am going through that too.It's starting to hurt again.For me at least.I'm 12 years old.And I, last year,Was going through the same as you.I think they just go back and forth, like they hurt and then they don't.I'm going through it now and it goes back and forth.I had to go to the doctors because I thought that I something was wrong. And the doctor had to check my You know what. And she said I was just budding.So don't worry you'll be fine.

PS Can you send me your number so we can talk?If that's okay with you.
+2 votes
Dead Nora,

I have a problem sort of like that. I don't know if it is a breast bud but anyways.....

it is ok to feel like that.if you need help to go your mom.she knows best.
+3 votes
Hi Nora!

So I’m trans, which means I have a girl body blah blah whatever, any way, it IS normal to have crushes at ten.
Hey! I'm lesbian and just wondering what's it like being trans? I'm 10 how old are u? Promise I'm not some creep but don't answer if u don't want to...


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