+6 votes
in Other by (137k points)

yea I wrote this 3 am in the morning and I had no where to share it so thought this would be a good place. Just a random rant really. Might post some more 3 am rambles idk. I got a lotta docs where I just rant about whatever's on my mind. I'm also interested in seeing what others think about these topics too so. 

I’ve seen this a lot where people will just constantly give other people validation or praise online, and tbh it kinda makes me uncomfortable. People will say things like “Everyone’s so beautiful! You’re gorgeous!! Love your body!!” and I’m like Ok? When did I ask tho? Your validation means literally nothing to me. 

I think this mentality can cause harm actually- people who persistently need to be reassured that they’re the most “beautiful, perfect, no-flawed, amazing person” will get incredibly insecure when they aren’t being praised all the time. They start to think negatively about themselves, they get depressed and begin thinking the world is against them. The praise becomes like a drug, they need it or else they can’t function. This could also be a reason some people in today's generation have such a difficult time transitioning from being treated like this to the real world, nobody's going to act like this irl. It isn't a healthy mentality to have. Constantly giving out validation, and expecting to be validated by other people, is a tricky thing that could turn on you very easily.

I’m pretty ok with myself. I’m certainly not the prettiest person ever, and I have my flaws, but I know that, and I’m working on it. For things I can’t change, I just accept them and move on. I don’t need to be told about having good qualities all the time. It gets repetitive and it provides no real help. But, that’s really all that matters. Me accepting myself. I don’t care what you think, whether it’s good or bad- like I said, your opinion means virtually 0 to me, and constantly being shoved in the face about how I need someone to ‘validate’ me or else I'm gonna be insecure is really annoying. 

Ye thanks for coming to my speech ig. 

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (165k points)
I get ya. Personally, for my art and stuff, I like positive comments and such, but I'd rather have constructive criticism, and someone tell me where my art sucks. To be fair, depending on the person and their own artistic abilities, I'll probably take the advice with a grain of salt, but still. Other than that, I don't really care about how I look and such so like-
by (137k points)
This is more for superficial things like appearance- for art, most people work very hard to make it, so positive comments are of course encouraged. Appearance however, is not something you would spend years upon years learning how to achieve. I would much rather someone compliment me on my art that I dedicate a large portion of my time to making, then something as superficial as beauty. Does that make sense lol.
by (165k points)
Perfect sense. Usually the most people comment on about me for appearence is "chubby" or some of my irl friends trying to convine me im not fat so like, idek.
+1 vote
by (350k points)
Well said ^^ I’d rather have honest praise than over lavish or fake praise
+1 vote
Hmm... You're right actually. You've got a point, I see it.

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