+3 votes
in General Pets / Animals Talk by (770 points)
Hello! So today, I wanted to talk about hamsters, and all of their needs. The first thing that I need to address in the fact that hamsters are not disposable creatures. There are a lot of youtube videos that have people housing their hamsters in really small cages, or they will hide them from their parents. Hamsters are nocturnal animals, ( they are awake at night for those who don't know) and they always are running. Many people don't know this, but an average hamster in the wild can run over five miles per night. Another thing that people do that they don't know better to do is to keep hamsters away for each other. Hamsters are solitary animas, meaning that hamsters want to be alone. They are very territorial, and will fight other hamsters. This can lead to severe injuries, and or death. The minimum of a floor plan is 450 square inches,  so make sure that you get this or above for your hamster. With the habitats that have tubing on the inside and out that connects to a different cage, this does not continue the floor plan. A floor plan is just the continued cage without any breaks.

When setting up your hamster cage, (preferably a glass tank that is the appropriate size)make sure to add in six inches of bedding. Six inches is the minimum of bedding so that your hamster can burrow. Next add a couple of spots where they can hide. I would do on on the surface, and then on that is burrowed under the bedding. Do not use any pine bedding for your hamster. Pine wood is toxic to hamsters. Instead, use aspen bedding. Avoid using and cotton fluff in your cage too. Cotton fibers stretch for a long time making it hard for the hamster to nest in. In can also get stuck in the claws of the hamster. In addition to all of this, it can get caught in the hamster teeth when he is trying to bring it back it his nest. Add the water bottle and food. I recommend using a pellet of food because then they can't pick out the food that they want. When using trail mix, your hamster can take what they want and leave other things behind. Next,  bring in some toys. You could use some apple sticks, wich my hamster seems to enjoy. I also recommend using some soft and hard wood mixtures for there teeth. Hamster teeth never stop growing. After this, add a wheel. Like I said, use a silent wheel. Do not use a wheel that is too small for your hamster, or has plastic rungs with holes. Hamsters when they are running, could fall through, and break a limb. Also, do t use wire or mesh wheels. This can result in rashes, blisters, and breaks or broken nails. Since hamsters are so small, there is not a whole lot that a vet can do about this.

When getting a new hamster, put them in with everything that they need. Let them get used to their ñew surroundings and smells. No matter how tempting it is do not take them out untill about four days later. IMPORTANT: If the hamster is hiding in it's house, leave them be. They want to hide, and you need to show them that that is their safe place to go. When you feel as if they are ready, take them to a separate place, picking them up with something else, and moving them to a separate place. Let them run around before placing your hand in. Let them sniff you, and jump on your hand. Since you are trying to tame them, don't let them bite. If they bite, you can lightly blow on their face to tell them no. Don't let that same behavior keep happening.

When exercising, don't use a hamster ball or car. It can cause health issues like injuries to the limbs. It can also have a problem with ventilation. Also, whenever the hamster runs, that might not mean that they like it. When they take a step the ball or car begins to roll, and they are in no control to stop it. They could crash into walls, causing permanent brain damage

Well, I just stoped and looked at how much I wrote, and I'm going to stop now. Bye! Have a great day, and remember to love yourself!
I have a hamster (2 votes, 67%)
I'm thinking about getting a hamster (0 votes)
I hate hamsters! (0 votes)
I don't have a hamster (1 vote, 33%)

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (40.3k points)
Best answer
WOW WOW WOW! Was that the right time to squeak up?
0 votes
by (137k points)
I believe only syrian hamsters are solitary- dwarf hamsters can be housed together, however, if they don't like each other they might still fight, which is why it is recommened to only house hamsters that have grown up together in the same place. Robo and Russian hamsters actually like company, so keeping 2-3 in the same cage is ok, as long as they are not hostile towards each other. Chinese hamsters are recommended to be kept alone. Overall, it depends on the breed and the hamster.

Otherwise, good info. I have a little long haired syrian myself :)

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