+8 votes
in Debate by (43.0k points)
Hello there! New tag: #lets-talk

What's this about? you ask. Well, dear reader, this is a new thing I'm starting where I will post a few opinions of mine, and then YOU have to ask me what my opinion is on something else in the answers.

Alright! here we go:

My opinion on global warming?

This is the ONLY planet we can live on, at least make it a place where everything's melted and flooded, and animals are dying!

My opinion on tiktok influencers?

They should be setting an example. MILLIONS of people watch them daily, so they should at least be a good example and not travelling during a *BLEEP* pandemic!!!

That's it! See you guys in the answers!

6 Answers

+1 vote
Who is your favorite artist (as in music)?

What is your favorite musical genre?

What is/are your favorite song(s)?
+1 vote
What are your favorite hobbies?
by (43.0k points)
I enjoy dancing, watching YouTube, and researching random stuff.

Thanks for reading!

You sound just like my dad.
by (43.0k points)
Is that a compliment....? Because secretly, I am your father, stalking you on this site.... mwuahahaha.
Haha. He just spends all day watching YouTube, looking at Reddit, and researching random stuff. Literally. So, I'm not really sure.
+1 vote
What is your opinion on...


Me (GymnasticsGirl11)


Online learning

Billie Eilish

by (43.0k points)
1. I did it for a while, but I never really, 'clicked' with it. I do enjoy dance, and acro has some elements of gymnastics with it. I think those who do gymnastics are really underappreciated, though.

2. You're super kind and willing to listen!

3.  They're the best thing on this earth, and will give you unconditional love!

4. Not a huge fan. Then again, I didn't enjoy in-person learning, either, so I think I'm a bit biased (if it wasn't clear, I'm not a huge fan of school).

5. I do like her music, but normally when I'm feeling non-binary (I'm genderfluid), I don't know why.

6. I'm VERY excited. They seem like a great team, and I'm glad to finally have a woman as Vice President.

Thanks for reading!

+1 vote
What is your opinion on YouTube?
by (43.0k points)
It's very enjoyable! Though I do think those under the age of nine should be watching Youtube Kids, as regular Youtube has some not-so-great stuff. I watched it when I was nine, along with a lot of other... INAPPROPRIATE things. So I hope kids won't make the same mistake as me.

Thanks for reading!

+1 vote
by (82.8k points)
Cool! I'm def gonna use this, is that ok? What's ur opinion on Trump?
by (43.0k points)
Eh, he isn't the greatest president in history. While he spent most of his time in office revoking most of Mr. Obama's laws, and playing golf, I think he definitely tried. Not trying to invalidate anyone's opinion here. Mr. Trump also didn't do a lot to stop the riots, even though they were endangering the lives of our congresspeople.

Thanks for reading!

by (82.8k points)
Cool! Can I use this?
by (43.0k points)
Of course! :D
Tried!?!? All he did was make everything terrible for everything! He told everybody that the Rona wasn't real, and that it was a hoax. He actually told the secret service and D.C. Police not to mess with the protesters, calling them "very speacial people." All that the beetle did was try to make everything look good for his campaign. He let my family get the virus because of it. He was been our worst president in history. Why do you think that cartoon creators are making shows about him? Because he's absolutely ridiculous! Sorry, my adreleline just starts to pump when I get thinking about this guy.
by (82.8k points)
I agree, but let's respect ppls opinions. And np, I completely understand.
Fine, I'll "respect" people's opinions. (Also, I don't think that I had swore: I don't think that things like "bloody" are considered swear words. If they are, then sorry.)
+1 vote
by (40.2k points)
What's your opinion on roblox?
by (43.0k points)

Well, I do play it, and while it IS enjoyable, I do NOT enjoy seeing 9-year-olds saying stuff they shouldn't be saying, or faking that they are older, because 'well no one knows my real age,' but it's still dangerous.

Thanks for reading!

I play roblox too purple can I send you a friend request on roblox?(you don't have to accept my friend request ) also if you want to  you can tell me your username.
by (43.0k points)
I'm sorry, I only friend people I know in real life. Thank you, though!

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