+8 votes
in General News by (82.8k points)
I have a fairly big account, and I should be speaking up about this matter. A couple of days ago, a mob of Trump supporters broke into the capitol. From my understanding, some people were arrested, but I don't think any of them got charged, correct me if I'm wrong. This was a CRIMINAL OFFENSE. And they still haven't gotten the consequences. Do you guys realize how messed up this is? People are over here getting arrested for peacefully protesting for BLM, and the people who illegally broke into a GOVERNMENT BUILDING aren't getting arrested. Our country is blatantly RACIST. This is not ok. And don't come at me saying 'it was just a protest'. No, it wasn't. It was a RIOT. And Trump didn't do anything, did he? Do better America.
you tell em girl!!!
by (82.8k points)

4 Answers

0 votes
by (155k points)
I don't completely   believe they were Trump supporters I think they were Biden Supporters saying they were Trump supporters to make Trump look bad
by (1.7k points)
Nah they were trump supporters. They had MAGA hats and MAGA flags. some even waved confederate flags so yes they were absolutely Trump supporters. They were outraged at Mike Pence since he was going to confirm the 2020 election and all the trump fans got outraged because they were disillusioned into thinking trump won and the election was rigged so they stormed the capitol building in order to find pence and kill him. They were also looking for AOC and Ilhan Omar because they didn't like them but the main reason was to stop pence from confirming Bidens win.
+1 vote
Ugh, my family is Republican, and I agree that Trump was acting foolishly. Even if he somehow had no idea things would turn out the way they did, he should have tried to stop it.

 Did you see the video he posted on social media? Basically, 15% of it was telling the rioters to stop, 85% of the video was him complaining about how unfair it was that "fraud" was committed. How does he not realize that it's MUCH more honourable to leave office normally, than to cling to some dumb made up claim? We counted the votes, checked to see if voter-fraud was involved, saw that it was fair, and now it is time to MOVE ON. Sorry for ranting.
by (82.8k points)
No, no, ur fine! I completely agree
+1 vote
by (165k points)
I have nothing to say on this matter except that most of BLM was riots, not peaceful protests.
by (82.8k points)
Yes, but at least they didn’t invade a government building, Luna. And that’s not true, there have been a lot of peaceful BLM protests.
by (165k points)
Hm, fair.
by (82.8k points)
Mhm. :)
by (1.34m points)
In my opinion, there's always the 0.1% of people who take it too far. For example, most trump supporters wouldn't storm the capital of the united states, and 99.99% of the BLM protests were peaceful. Sadly, we only remember the 0.1% who were crazy when we talk about the BLM protests and the Capital raid. So let's remember the peaceful people.
Oh my gosh pumpkin, you literally summed it up perfectly.
by (350k points)
BLM did loot and burn places, though, so remember that too.
by (1.34m points)
I heard that was people taking advantage of the chaos happening at the BLM protests and looting. They saw that everything was chaotic and decided to loot so they could pin it on other people. I think That had nothing to do with BLM at all.
by (350k points)
Maybe, but it could be the same for the riot. Let’s assume the best in people, even if we know not everyone is good.


*AKA I don’t wanna get into an argument RN LOL*
+1 vote
by (34.7k points)
BLM rioters are arrested, but let back out onto the streets to burn and loot people’s businesses. Trump DID do something, as crazy as it sounds. He told those rioters to go home. Plus, ANTIFA, a left-wing radical group, was posing as Trump supporters too. It wasn’t all Trump supporters.
And, Welshy, he

1) told them that he loved them

2) didn’t do anything about it

And 3) told them to walk with him to the capital building.


by (82.8k points)
Yeah. Thank you for backing me up love
Please, please PLEASE do research! I don't mean grab one web page and share it. I mean read articles from different sides of the spectrum, Left and Right, and then piece together your own opinions. You need to be able to find the true middle point.

You know what being a sheep is? It's only listening to one side of the story. Sheep look really nice, all fluffy and adorable (and slightly smelly), but when the time comes for them to decide a path, they just follow the crowd.

I hope that makes sense.
by (1.34m points)

Here's the middle perspective that we could all agree with:

There's always the 0.1% of people who take Politics too far. For example, most trump supporters wouldn't storm the capital of the united states, and 99.99% of the BLM protests were peaceful. Sadly, we only remember the 0.1% who were crazy when we talk about the BLM protests and the Capital raid. So let's remember the peaceful people.

pumpkin, I'm pretty sure that is absolutely the perfect stance. I'm not some highly educated politician, but this is the best explanation I've heard.

commented Jan 11 by AmmyK

Please, please PLEASE do research! I don't mean grab one web page and share it. I mean read articles from different sides of the spectrum, Left and Right, and then piece together your own opinions. You need to be able to find the true middle point.

You know what being a sheep is? It's only listening to one side of the story. Sheep look really nice, all fluffy and adorable (and slightly smelly), but when the time comes for them to decide a path, they just follow the crowd.

I hope that makes sense.


NONE of the right-wing websites were even active that day.


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