+5 votes
in Other by
Literally. I'm just really bored, so do your worst. I really don't care. Just ask something--anything, and I'll answer it, no matter how weird, uncomfortable, or absurd it is.

4 Answers

+1 vote
How do I tell my parents im transgender?
by (126k points)
Well, I lied. Sorry, but I know literally nothing about that stuff. Go to Purple or CoralSophie08 (same person, different names) for advice, maybe?
by (126k points)
You wouldn’t like my real answer.
+1 vote

emoticon-00100-smileWhat are your favorite foods to eat?

Well, a lot. I like roast beef, chile, ribs, and to many more to list. In addition, basically every non-seafood meat.
+1 vote
by (40.2k points)
Do u like anime and manga?
Ok, so; this is going to disappoint you, but I can't say that I'm all too familiar with either one. Is Anime the cartoony pictures of people with the big black sparkling eyes? Or is it a show? I've heard of it, but I've never really looked into it, partly because it is what seems popular (and I stay away from the popular things) and partly because my mom's friend is kind of obsessed with it, and I avoid things that I'm afraid of getting addicted to.

Isn't Manga, like, comic books or comics or something? I haven't actually heard of it until now, where I did a quick Internet search and saw something about that. (I was literally just trying to see if I was familiar with it, with a different name.) personally, I haven't been much interested in comic books for quite a few years now. When I was, oh, maybe six or seven, I liked looking at the Marvel and Fantastic Four (and maybe another; I don't remember), but I don't have much interest in them anymore. That may be because my dad, when he came along again, sort of didn't like me liking that stuff, but otherwise I don't have much of an opinion of it.

I know that didn't answer your question very well, but if you want a better one, I'm afraid that you're going to have to explain them to me. If you hate me now, don't be afraid to express that as a comment to this, either.
by (40.2k points)
Anime can be lots of art styles but there's a style u may have seen called Moe art it's where proportions are exaggerated(I think) and the eyes are big . Anime can be shows as in theres an anime called Pokemon y'know and for manga its basically Japanese comic books hope this helps! Magic
by (950k points)
anime is art

but theres anime shows

anime everywhere
0 votes
whats your grade in english class/social studies/science?
English: 94.6% (A)

History: 88.7 (B)

Science: 87.3 (B)

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