+2 votes
in All Advisors by

Ok, so all my life people have been telling me “You’re xx years old, act like it.” And I try my best but I keep failing. I don’t know what society expects of me to act . It seems like I can’t have fun because I’m always trying to act like a grown person while everyone just goofs off. And those people who goof off say, “You don’t act mature enough.” I keep on trying my hardest. The main problem is my voice. It sounds like an 8 year old. As a girl, I’ve always wished my voice would develop to sound like a teenager’s. Only boys get the cool voices and I’m just stuck with my baby voice. And then there’s my actions. I keep looking at other people and acting like them but apparently they get mad. They just say “act mature”. I’m trying, I’m trying! When something wrong happens, I get blamed. I really wish I could be mature. How can I do that?

6 Answers

+1 vote
All my friends (even girls) have darker voices than me, even though there’s a friend who has a darker voice and is younger. Why do I have a high-pitched voice -_-
by (1.34m points)
because you're 9 :/
+1 vote
by (43.0k points)

I've actually always been told , "You're too mature and want to grow up too fast," and, "Enjoy your childhood while it lasts," when I really want to become an adult. I think that there are two sides, being immature and being way mature. I guess both are OKAY, but some people take a bit far at times, others can be rude about it. It's a tough subject, yet it seems simple. 

In short, I think you should do whatever makes you happy. I understand peer pressure (social anxiety here), but sometimes you just have to stop going with the flow and go with your gut. 

Thanks for reading!


Oh, here's a bonus cookie, too: cookie

+1 vote
Boys don’t think it’s unattractive if you have a high voice.
I’m lesbian.
+2 votes
by (350k points)
It’s fine! I’m 16 and I still kinda sound babyish, according to Queeny and Knight I sound like a mix between an 11 year old and a 100 year old lol... IDK what that sounds like but I All I hear is 11 XD
+2 votes
by (165k points)
Okay, same I get where you are coming from. It's not that you can't have fun or goof off, it's just acting responsibly, not throwing fits over small things, and being a little more careful with your actions. Maturity, other than physical maturity, which is uncontrollable, has nothing to do with your voice, as it is something you cannot control. Your voice will eventually change.
+1 vote
Btw, this was made by me.


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