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in Beyoncé by

Dear QueenBey,

I love you so much, even more than your music though that’s amazing and you have a lot of talent there, too. You are so strong and simply awesome. I want to say more, but that will come in a separate letter. You inspire me and so many other girls out there everyday, all day. Thank you for being you, Beyoncé.

From Manali 


PS tell your family I say hi!

PPS please can I get your autograph, to give to a friend of mine who is black and an even bigger fan of yours? Let’s call her Diarra.

by (348k points)
We sent the note to Beyoncé and hope she can reply back to you.
Fun Fact I was born the same day but not year Sep 4th
by (4.3k points)
Ooooh cool u are sooooo lucky


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