+12 votes
in Girls' Advice Column by
So, I didn't want to post this on my registered account, just because it's kind of difficult to talk about, so yeah. A lot of you will probably guess who I am.

Anyway, about a week ago, I was using the bathroom and noticed some blood in my underwear. I didn't want to tell my mom, especially since my doctor said I wouldn't be getting it for another 1-2 years. I also didn't want to wear a pad. I didn't understand how to comfortably put them on (btw, my mom bought some backups a few weeks prior because I was having cramps), and despite the package saying I "wouldn't feel a thing," it felt like I was walking around with a sweaty piece of cardboard in my pants. So I bagged that idea. A couple days later, I stopped seeing it. It hasn't been quite a month since then, but if sometime in Feb. I see something similar, should I tell my mom?

8 Answers

0 votes
This is serious stuff you definitely need to tell your mom! (PS this is not something you should post) (also I do get grossed out easily and I read anyway).
0 votes
by (544k points)
Yes. She can help you more than we can.
+1 vote
by (165k points)
Guys this was a long time ago I think she's over this NO OFFENCE PROMISE!
+1 vote
by (1.7k points)
tell your mom!

most of the time my mom says its completely normal if that happens

so your mom might say that too
+1 vote
Sorry I’m so late!

First off, congratulations! You’re a woman, and that’s something to be proud of!

Second off, tell your mom, trust me, it’ll make everything better. Or you can tell another woman in your family if you don’t feel comfortable. Some example would be your grandma, your aunt, or an older sister.

Third off, experiment! If pads don’t make you feel comfortable, try something else. For lighter flows, pantiliners are a good choice. Tampons, menstrual cups, or even period underwear might be better for you.

Fourth off, be happy. Lots of women go through this, so being a part of life, you should be happy no matter what!

Hope this helps
+1 vote
I recommend telling your mum it helps alot! and I can relate to being uncomfy wearing pads I hate them!
yea tell your mom also sound like you got your first period and you will see it again. Unless you just got a cut down there and were bleeding from that. pads can be uncomfy but if you align them correctly then they aren't. Their are tampons and mentrual cups and if you want zero discomfort try period underwear from Nurx.
+1 vote
by (350k points)
I don’t think it’s a big deal if you don’t see your period for a while. I’ve had mine for 3-4 years and yet it never follows a schedule. Sometimes it skips around, other times it decides to be on time for once. And about pads, I hear you LOL, they can be annoying. I suggest putting them on so that the top part does not curve up in your underwear (aka, make sure the back part is nearer to your butt) and adjust until it feels better.

I have never used tampons because you can get a rare infection from them, but as long as you are careful by changing them out exactly when you need to, you'll be fine :D
+1 vote
by (82.8k points)
Hi! So, I completely understand. That's happened to me before, and yes, I recommend telling your mom next time, so she can help you look into other options and stuff. Uhmm so smaller tampons are always something to consider, I started wearing those and found that they were way more comfy than pads for me, and this month moved on to bigger ones since I was having a pretty heavy flow. Then there's menstrual cups, I've never tried them, but ppl seem to like them. You could also try panty liners, which are smaller and not as uncomfy, but make sure you're on a lighter flow, definitely don't wear them if you're on a heavy one. Hope this helps!

(Your prob Greenie, right? Or maybe Luna, but I doubt it haha)


by (82.8k points)
XD gfgjjggjjj


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