+5 votes
in LGBTQIA Club by
1. How do you know you don’t like boys?

2. How do you know you like girls?

3. Have you ever had a boy crush before (or thought)?

4. Have you ever had a girl crush before (or thought)?

5. Would you date a girl?
by (440 points)
1. I like girls a lot more. Something about them is just better.

2. tbh, they just are a bit better and I would date them.

3. Maybe, but soon after I realized I don't feel this tingly way.

4. 2. One in 1st grade, and one in 3rd.

5. If she likes me too, absolutely!

2 Answers

0 votes
1. How do you know you don’t like boys?
I just find them gross.

2. How do you know you like girls?
There was a really cute girl at my school, and once that happened I started to like other girls.

3. Have you ever had a boy crush before (or thought)?
Yes, but I was younger.

4. Have you ever had a girl crush before (or thought)?

5. Would you date a girl?

If she liked me and was willing to put up with my craziness.
0 votes
by (165k points)
1. The thought of anything past friendship, such as kissing, dating, and such makes me want to vomit.

2. The thought of anything past friendship, as I previously mentioned, sounds nice to me.

3 & 4. I've never had a genuine crush, no.

5. Yes, I absolutely would if one actually found me attractive lol.
i feel the same as u


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