+7 votes
in Jelly's blog by (82.8k points)
Hi! This is something that I find very i n t e r e s t i n g, so I thought I'd share it with you guys!


Ok. Basically, there are infinite realities with you in them. The one you are in rn is the one you are conscious in. Shifting is basically shifting your consciousness from one reality to another. So like, for example, you could shift to Harry Potter, Twilight (haven't actually watched lol. Is it good?), Stranger things, a reality where you are a celeb, etc. And before you come at me, there is a CIA document on it, proving it is real. The difference between this and lucid  dreaming is that in lucid dreaming, you become conscious while inside a dream. But with shifting, you are literally shifting into a different dimension, so you can touch, see, feel, hear, and taste like normal. Like, it seems real. Because that is where your conscious is at the moment. And please don't go breaking character's hearts just bc you don't like them, remember they are human, just like you. They have feelings, too. Please let me know if you want me to continue this and make this into a series, the next post will be about scripting.

-Jelly :)

7 Answers

+1 vote
Cool :O
+1 vote
by (165k points)
Haven't tried, can't deny or confirm anything about shifting. I've tried astral projection before, I'm still trying that. Shifting and astral projection are similar to lucid dreaming in separate ways. Astral projecting is like temporarily separating your conscious from your body while you are still awake but in a meditative state, and as far as I've heard, you can't go to different realities while astral projecting, though you can do basically anything. For shifting, it sounds similar to that, but along with going to different realities, shifting seems like your body would become unconscious after "you" go to the other reality. It does sound a lot like lucid dreaming, I'll admit, but it sounds a lot more vivid and realistic. That said, I don't think I'll try shifting until I can astral project.
+1 vote
by (101k points)
I feel like that shifting is actually a deeper level of lucid dreaming. One where you can use your 5 senses. And please stop saying you are  taking other people’s consciousness. There is no proof whatsoever, and the only evidence comes from “TikTok”. Even if you are right, is it good to steal other people’s bodies and control their will?
Lucid dreaming has all 5 senses too tho.other than that, u r correct.
Bro forgot that when you shift, you don't need to sleep while you need to sleep to dream
by (529k points)
People shift in Minecraft without dreaming all the ti—
+1 vote
by (101k points)

And before you come at me, there is a CIA document on it, proving it is real.”


Please don’t post incorrect information. The CIA documents are about astrophysics.

+1 vote

I'm gonna go copy/paste a qoute I found.

"Hey, so I'm a Harry Potter fan that also does the Law of Attraction and manifestation from time to time and I actually agree. Shifters will say that there are documents scientifically proving that there are parallel realities. Yes, this is true. HOWEVER, Stephen Hawking ( https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-43976977 ) might have said there are different realities in this universe, but he never said we could actually "shift" to them. In fact, I could never actually find a document actually stating that the methods of meditating or sleeping and waking up in a different reality is true. I haven't done research on when this idea of shifting started but where I've gotten it from was a random subliminal (I actually listen to subliminals a lot and they've helped my mental health and changed my appearance) on youtube and then information from Tiktok and Amino. I thought it was a bit suspicious how there were many people coming out and saying that they shifted at the same time when it became a thing. So then I looked up older videos on Youtube to see what people from 3 or 2 years ago had to say about reality shifting. The term "reality shifting" was a term used for manifestation and Law of Attraction, NOT waking up to a different reality the next morning. These two terms relate to the idea of taking your goals or the things you desire and creating a mindset where you already have those things so that the universe can guide you to your goals eventually (this idea is spoken about from many successful people and not just a bunch of teenagers. For example, Steve Harvey and Oprah Winfrey ) The original idea of reality shifting wasn't just hopping from one reality to another, it was about changing your life by shifting your OWN reality to have all of the things you desire. This method isn't just done by going to sleep and waking up into a whole new dimension, it's about working hard and imagining the life you want so that your reality becomes the life you want. For example, there is one reality where you can be lazy and do nothing while never getting the job or romantic partner that you want. But then there's another reality where you actually work hard and feel/imagine that you have those things and then eventually you will get them. The idea of scripting and manifesting your desired life is true, but the idea of scripting a whole new reality and suddenly just hopping into it is absurd. People who want to shift to Hogwarts will say that they DO put in the work for their desired life by trying all of these meditation methods and struggling to do so. Well here is why nobody can do it (especially the ones that say they can): The universe plays a part in your manifestations and the reason why not everyone gets what they manifest is because either they have negative energy, not a right mindset, OR THE CASE OF MANY PEOPLE WHO WANT TO SHIFT TO HOGWARTS --> the universe and them (deep down) KNOW that the reality they want is totally unrealistic. The Wizarding World is based off of books and movies that are fantasy and contains many things that we don't have in our life such as magic, wands, etc (and even if it were true, you wouldn't know because you were never born a wizard.) Deep down, people know that this reality is bizarre (no matter how many times they try to convince themselves that they know it's real.) HOWEVER, if we took the movie The Wolf of Wall Street where the main character is a New York stockbroker, that life could possibly be manifested and your reality CAN be shifted to that from hard work and manifestation (again, NOT by using shifting methods or going to sleep.) You actually need to put some dedication in school or work to progress your life if you want to a stockbroker. You can't just wake up to it. My point is, you CAN'T shift to different realities by using shifting methods or going off to sleep. You can't wake up to a different reality where you are all of a sudden a witch/wizard or a celebrity. The term "shifting realities" isn't that idea AT ALL. It used to be about changing your life right now (where you live, your job, friends, etc) to a whole new life where you live in your desired place, have your desired job, or have desired friends but in THIS current reality. We DO shift everyday but in a way where we actually make choices, decisions, and work hard in this reality. For example, I used to be a very average student in school but I studied a lot and tried to imagine myself as getting academic achievements. There is a reality where I didn't study at all and stayed as an average student but right now I actually get A's and A-'s. Therefore, I shifted my reality to becoming a really good student in school. I didn't script and wake up to it. I hope that made sense. Sorry, it's kind of complicated to explain."

+1 vote
by (101k points)
What is the proof that we are stealing consciousness from different realities?
Thank you. this reality shiftin stuff just doesn't make sense.
by (101k points)
Personally, I believe shifting is lucid dreaming. Hbu?
In lucid dreaming, you are aware that you are in a dream. I believe shifting is just dreaming, but not lucid.
+2 votes
by (153k points)
As I read this I was scripting :0 it seems all my friends are learning about this at the same time! Now I'm not sure where my religion falls on this, but I can't say I'm not intrigued/won't try. I'm trying to go to Hogwarts :D
by (82.8k points)
Omg sameee I’ve gotten pretty close! I’ve been having really vivid dreams lately. Question, do you think it’s ok if I’m 14 in my DR and 11 in my CR?
by (153k points)
That's completely fine! I'm 11 in my DR bc I want to be my first year in Hogwarts :) I actually got close to shifting last night :D I could feel the symptoms, but then my dog barked >:(
by (82.8k points)
Omg! Dog....>:( keep trying! But don’t forget to take breaks!


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