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Hey guys, so...here are some of my favorite books that I recommend.

 Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone:

Genres: Fantasy, Children's Novel

Age Rating: 8+

Starred Rating: 4/5

 The Tail of Emily Windsap:

About: This novel is about a young girl who discovers something while in swimming class, she has a tail and is a mermaid. Meanwhile, she meets a mermaid friend who takes her to an academy for mermans and mermaids. There, she learns her "dead" father was part of mermaid history, and his romance with his mother was deep and historic. Is her father dead? Can she find him, for her mother, so that her loved one won't be lost?

Genres: Fantasy, Romance, Mystery, Adventure, Drama, Friendship, Children's Novels 

Age Rating 10+

Reasons for age rating:

Sexual Content: 3/5:

Mentions a woman falling in love with a man who saves her from her boat falling over a rock and drowning, later they kiss near a mountain, and declare their love for each other. 

Also mentions a man and women in love, but their love ends because the man tries to kill his "loved one", then they break up and woman says she will marry the man who saved her from drowning instead. 

Language: 2/5

Mild language, two people talk to each other agressively saying words such as "stupid" "worthless" and "god*** it"

Fear and Violence: 2/5

Two girls in a dark cave hear a mysterious moan.

A horrible mean man tries to kill his "about to be girlfriend" by posining her.

Starred Rating 3/5

Girls Behind the Camera

About: Set in 1895, this is the story of a young girl named Celicy, she and her family are very lonely, because of the death of Cecily's mother, but when Cecily meets Rosiland, a kind and beautiful photographer, Cecily wants Rosiland to become her new mother. But the only way to do that is for Cecily's father to fall in love with Rosiland, will he?

Genres: Romance, Mystery, Friendship, Historical Fiction

Age Rating: 9+

Reasons for Age Rating

Sexual Content:3/5

A man and woman have a secret romance, and declare their love at an art museum 

Man and woman have their first secret kiss in the garden at night, when everyone else is asleep 

Man and woman are both shy while speaking to each other in front of their children.

Woman tells little girl how much she loves a man and how charming he is.

Fear and Violence: 2/5

Girls talk to each other on how their house might be haunted with ghosts

Language: 2/5

Mentions the word stupid, god and death

More to the Story

Genres: Drama, Friendship

Age Rating: 11+

Sexual Content: 3/5

Mentions the word "sexism" 

Boy talks about how beautiful his crush is and how he can't stop looking at her and his tongue gets tied up when she is around

2 girls are together talking about how people in their religion cannot date and how their family has never talked about boys, a minute later the girl tells the main character that she likes someone and asks if the boy likes her.

Girls talk about the dangerous of Snapchat. 

Language: 1/5

Mentions the words "god" and "freak out"

Fear and Violence: 0/5

No fear or violence shown.


Extra: Serious and depressing topics 4/5

WARNING FOR SPOILERS. This has been shown 4/5 because there is too much serious and depressing content in this book.

Reasons: (SPOILERS) A girl's sister has cancer, she cries and prays to God that she will get  better. 

Girl and cousin fight on views of racism and death.

A father is gone for 6 months for work, daughters cry when he is away, things would've been better if he was there.

Girl has to write about microagressions, racism and sexism in the world.

Boy's father died, he has never gotten to see him, and looses his love for soccer, because the time his father died, he was at practice, mother was calling him over and over, no response, he didn't get to see his father's last time on earth.

A bully bullies a girl on how useless her stories are, and that she isn't a good writer.

Parents do not have enough money, and family is worried they will become homeless, parents keep this secret from children.

Older sister talks to younger sister about how dangerous it is to have a phone and Snapchat, younger sister doesn't listen and doesn't understand.

Girl's grandfather who she never got to meet is dead, father tells daughter on how alike the grandfather was with his granddaughter.

Girl with cancer thinks she is ugly because her hair is bald

Cousin hasn't seen his mother in months, she is too busy working.

Youngest sister is in trouble and cries because her mom gets angry at her for sneezing in her older sister (who has cancer)'s hand. She doesn't understand why it was a bad thing to do.

Girl thinks social media is messed up, her feed makes her jealous on how others are sending pics of how much fun they are having.

Main character doesn't get to be lead of the school newspaper, a bully is, and always shoots down her articles. 

A girl is being racist to her "friend".

Main character and their sisters only get to socialize with their father online, because he is away for 6 months.

Girl complains, all of her reliatives live away from America.

Boy feels offended that his cousin would rather spend more time with her friends then her own family.

Book ends with a girl fighting for cancer, there is nothing shown of her surrviving or a happy ending

(Ok, that was a lot, I looove this book, it is so heartfelt, but very very sad)












1 Answer

0 votes
Harry Potter (All of them) is definetly the best book/books ever.


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