+2 votes
in Other by (101k points)
Y’know the “Introduce yourself” forums I’ve been making? This one is for you, nice to meet you!

1 Answer

0 votes
by (165k points)
Best answer
by (101k points)
Tell me about yourself!
by (165k points)
*clears throat*

I am remarkably outspoken and argumentative. I have been told repeatedly that I am very annoying, and while I can understand why others may say such things, I could not care less about how any of you view me because I will not change for anyone other than myself. I like rock and indie music, though I will listen to anyone who has a good point and doesn't sound like a bunch of instruments thrown into a garbage disposal. I love anime and manga, but I also love some older movies like The Crow and Dead Poets Society, and older stories and poetry by classic authors. I plan on being an artist, psychologist, or tattoo artist and maybe even florist someday, the desire in that order. I have academic scores surpassing not only my grade level but in a college range. That said, I have a rather voluminous vocabulary and occasionally will manifest it. I am extremely moral and most of my arguments towards modern society are based upon the current generation's loss of morality which is honestly quite sad but a topic for another time. I am a young poet and write short stories, often horror with a sense of karma, and my poems are emotional and opinionated. I do hate most people, though, on a person-to-person level, I try to get along with each person for so long before they either earn my respect and I get along with them better, or when they lose my respect. I do believe that people make mistakes and that it is only human to do so, though, I am not a doormat, if someone attempts taking advantage, I will not hesitate to close them off. I could say stuff like my race, religion, and sexuality/gender here, but honestly, it doesn't matter, none of that shapes who I am as a person. Yes, I have one of each, but who cares about division besides conquerors and math teachers. Not me. I also am considerably sarcastic, but that merely comes innately. I often go into rants and tangents, but solely because I am passionate.

Enough information? I think that sums it up quite well.
*attempts to walk away, trips, gets back up, continues walking*
by (101k points)

*snatches you back with creepy grin*

I relate to some of this, but it seems like you don’t care what people think of you. *claps* Honestly, I care. A lot. Lol. help me

Anyways, I was taught to stay quiet. I can’t say my opinions because people won’t like that. I wan’t to be a psychologist, better yet a counselor. My vocabulary is a little high for my age, as I don’t use slang that often. I have no good traits or talents whatsoever. So you must be really gifted! Cool! I write too, fanfiction, horror, you name it. 

We can chat on KN, if you’d like.

by (165k points)
I am opinionated because I need to have a voice. If I have no way to use my voice to express myself, I lose it, that's why I can't be quiet. If I don't express my opinion, I suppress it, and I've learned that that has bad consequences. I don't care if people don't like it because it's part of me. I can't change myself, nor am I going to try just for other people. I'm perfectly fine with myself.
by (165k points)
And ammy, new bio :)
luna let me just say you seem like a pretty instresting person
by (165k points)
Interesting is one word.
Luna, what is KN (kidznet)

ドキュメントですねぇ行った場合は 呉んちょ湖ですよね 日の入りの場合。じゅき? 鐚 代々木ウジウジですねと府、脚がある程度。

圖示警力圖片刻薄餅底線人 仄了不起我想要有關心心相印 頹卜 出說嬲 ,士吧的遊戲 人 三位於 更改 卜三寶物。

Au pelle de bois pour une maison avec piscine en plein centre? KN hors compétition c'est ville? Avec un jardin magnifique sur une superbe!

I can't believe you have a shout-out by everyone! You're a sweet one. But how do you chat in KN?

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