+3 votes
in Personal by (31.8k points)

I know my parents work hard to provide for our family, my mom is cooking for us 24/7 and my dad is working so hard so he can provide for us.

But...sometimes, I think they only care about each other, once, when I wasn’t asking him anything and everything was in a fine mood, my mom wasn’t even in front of us he just said “you know, I love your mom more than I love you, cuz she came to me first” WHAT??!! Everything was totally fine, what the heck just happened??!!! What kind of father would say that.

That affected my mental health bad. Why did he just say that for no reason??? And my parents talk to each other ALL THE TIME. Every time they see each other, they’re talking. Sure, parents talk, but when we’re in the car I’m like “mom, where’s the hand sanitizer”? And they’re just talking like they don’t hear me. And I’m like “mom, I’m bored” they only talk to each other.

Sometimes I join their conservation like-“oh, I love that movie! You watch it too, mom..dad?” No answer. And sometimes I do a quick test like-“quick! I’m bleeding! This is an emergency!” And I scream! No answer. Talking. Talking. Talking.

And at the dinner table they stare at me and whisper in each other’s ears, I wonder what they’re talking about, I know parents keep secrets, but most of their whispers are told at the dinner table, that’s when you have to talk to the whole family!

I don’t like dinner cuz of them, they only talk to each other, not to us during dinner, not even something simple like  “how is school”? 

It’s not fair, what should i do?

by (40.2k points)
Maybe you should call Childline with a teacher

6 Answers

0 votes
Call a hotline. This is very serious tell your teacher the parents sound abusive
+1 vote

oh my word! that's terrible you really need to talk with them like now!!!!!!!jawdrop

+1 vote
by (101k points)

I understand your problem. Maybe, when you fake to be bleeding, your parents don’t believe you because they know you well enough. Your father should have never said that to you. When my parents don’t respond to me, I scream the request and that gets them to respond wink_smile. Ask your parents why they ignore you, and try raising your voice if they ignore you.


Also, if this were my situation, I would sneak out, bring some money, buy a soda at a store near me, and be glad that they didn’t notice.

XDDDD for the sneak out thing

+1 vote
by (165k points)
While I can see how your parents would very much like each other, since they would've been a couple before you, that is quite a bit much that they don't bring you into the equation. Try to get their attention (tug on their arms, something like that, whatever), and try talking to them about this once they are listening. If you need to, talk to them separately.


Also, my family doesn't eat at a table for dinner, for us, it's always just sitting in the living room watching TV.
+1 vote

Oh dear I'm sorry for u. Did this just happen? Well maybe you need to talk to your mom/dad when they are alone! Say, "Hey I feel left out of the family. Can you stop ignoring me?" 

If that doesnt work then idk! Sorry girl...

Heres a drawing to cheer u up. And remember you still have us: the Kidztalk kids.

+1 vote

Oof... I feel really sorry for you. sad_smile


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